## example of using smoothCon and PredictMat to set up a basis
## to use for regression and make predictions using the result
library(MASS) ## load for mcycle data.
## set up a smoother...
sm <- smoothCon(s(times,k=10),data=mcycle,knots=NULL)[[1]]
## use it to fit a regression spline model...
beta <- coef(lm(mcycle$accel~sm$X-1))
with(mcycle,plot(times,accel)) ## plot data
times <- seq(0,60,length=200) ## creat prediction times
## Get matrix mapping beta to spline prediction at 'times'
Xp <- PredictMat(sm,data.frame(times=times))
lines(times,Xp%*%beta) ## add smooth to plot
## Same again but using a penalized regression spline of
## rank 30....
sm <- smoothCon(s(times,k=30),data=mcycle,knots=NULL)[[1]]
E <- t(mroot(sm$S[[1]])) ## square root penalty
X <- rbind(sm$X,0.1*E) ## augmented model matrix
y <- c(mcycle$accel,rep(0,nrow(E))) ## augmented data
beta <- coef(lm(y~X-1)) ## fit penalized regression spline
Xp <- PredictMat(sm,data.frame(times=times)) ## prediction matrix
with(mcycle,plot(times,accel)) ## plot data
lines(times,Xp%*%beta) ## overlay smooth
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