- object
The output object of mgm()
or tvmgm()
- labels
A character vector of (variable) node labels.
- PairwiseAsEdge
, pairwise interactions are not displayed as factors but as simple edges between nodes. Defaults to PairwiseAsEdge = FALSE
- Nodewise
, the estimates from the individual nodewise regressions are displayed as a directed edge towards the node on which the respective nodewise regression was performed. This is useful to identify model misspecification (e.g. moderation effects / interaction parameters with largely different values across nodewise regressions). Defaults to Nodewise = FALSE
- DoNotPlot
If DoNotPlot = TRUE
no factorgraph is plotted. This way the computed factor graph can be obtained without plotting. Defaults to DoNotPlot = FALSE
- FactorLabels
If FactorLabels = TRUE
the factors are labeled by their order. If FactorLabels = FALSE
no label is shown. Defaults to FactorLabels = TRUE
- colors
A character vector of colors for nodes and factors. The first color is for variable-nodes, the second for 2-way interactions, the third for 3-way interactions, etc. Defaults to colors = c("white", "tomato", "lightblue", "orange")
- shapes
A character vector of shapes for for nodes and factors. The first shape is for variable-nodes, the second for 2-way interactions, the third for 3-way interactions, etc. Defaults to shapes = c("circle", "square", "triangle", "diamond")
- shapeSizes
A numeric vector of length two indicating the size of shapes for nodes and factors. Defaults to shapeSizes = c(8, 4)
- estpoint
An integer indicating the estimation point to display if the output object of a time-varying MGM is provided.
- negDashed
If negDashed = TRUE
, edges with negative sign are dashed.
- ...
Arguments passed to qgraph.