allcategorical_missing_data.frame: Class "allcategorical_missing_data.frame"
This class inherits from the missing_data.frame-class but is customized for the situation where all the variables are categorical.
Objects from the Class
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("allcategorical_missing_data.frame", ...).
However, its users almost always will pass a data.frame to the
missing_data.frame function and specify the subclass argument.
The allcategorical_missing_data.frame class inherits from the missing_data.frame-class and
has three additional slots
Positive integer indicating the maximum number of latent classes
A list that holds the current realization of the unknown parameters
The fit_model-methods for the allcategorical_missing_data.frame class
implement a Gibbs sampler. However, it does not utilize any ordinal information that
may be available. Continuous variables should be made into factors using the
cut command before calling missing_data.frame.