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mice (version 2.30)

complete: Creates imputed data sets from a mids object


Takes an object of class mids, fills in the missing data, and returns the completed data in a specified format.


complete(x, action = 1, include = FALSE)



An object of class mids as created by the function mice().


If action is a scalar between 1 and x$m, the function returns the data with imputation number action filled in. Thus, action=1 returns the first completed data set, action=2 returns the second completed data set, and so on. The value of action can also be one of the following strings: 'long', 'broad', 'repeated'. See 'Details' for the interpretation.


Flag to indicate whether the orginal data with the missing values should be included. This requires that action is specified as 'long', 'broad' or 'repeated'.


A data frame with the imputed values filled in. Optionally, the original data are appended.


The argument action can also be a string, which is partially matched as follows:


produces a long data frame of vertically stacked imputed data sets with nrow(x$data) * x$m rows and ncol(x$data)+2 columns. The two additional columns are labeled .id containing the row names of x$data, and .imp containing the imputation number. If include=TRUE then nrow(x$data) additional rows with the original data are appended with .imp set equal to 0.


produces a broad data frame with nrow(x$data) rows and ncol(x$data) * x$m columns. Columns are ordered such that the first ncol(x$data) columns corresponds to the first imputed data matrix. The imputation number is appended to each column name. If include=TRUE then ncol(x$data) additional columns with the original data are appended. The number .0 is appended to the column names.


produces a broad data frame with nrow(x$data) rows and ncol(x$data) * x$m columns. Columns are ordered such that the first x$m columns correspond to the x$m imputed versions of the first column in x$data. The imputation number is appended to each column name. If include=TRUE then ncol(x$data) additional columns with the original data are appended. The number .0 is appended to the column names.

See Also

mice, mids


Run this code

# do default multiple imputation on a numeric matrix
imp <- mice(nhanes)

# obtain first imputated matrix
mat <- complete(imp)

# fill in the third imputation
mat <- complete(imp, 3)

# long matrix with stacked complete data
mat <- complete(imp, 'long')

# long matrix with stacked complete data, including the original data
mat <- complete(imp, 'long', inc=TRUE)

# repeated matrix with complete data
mat <- complete(imp, 'r')

# for numeric data, produces a blocked correlation matrix, where
# each block contains of the same variable pair over different
# multiple imputations.

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab