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mice (version 3.15.0)

mice.impute.mpmm: Imputation by multivariate predictive mean matching


Imputes multivariate incomplete data among which there are specific relations, for instance, polynomials, interactions, range restrictions and sum scores.


mice.impute.mpmm(data, format = "imputes", ...)


A matrix with imputed data, which has ncol(y) columns and sum(wy) rows.



matrix with exactly two missing data patterns


A character vector specifying the type of object that should be returned. The default is format = "imputes".


Other named arguments.


Mingyang Cai and Gerko Vink


This function implements the predictive mean matching and applies canonical regression analysis to select donors fora set of missing variables. In general, canonical regressionanalysis looks for a linear combination of covariates that predicts a linear combination of outcomes (a set of missing variables) optimally in a least-square sense (Israels, 1987). The predicted value of the linear combination of the set of missing variables would be applied to perform predictive mean matching.

See Also

mice.impute.pmm Van Buuren, S. (2018). Flexible Imputation of Missing Data. Second Edition. Chapman & Hall/CRC. Boca Raton, FL.

Other univariate imputation functions: mice.impute.cart(), mice.impute.lasso.logreg(), mice.impute.lasso.norm(), mice.impute.lasso.select.logreg(), mice.impute.lasso.select.norm(), mice.impute.lda(), mice.impute.logreg.boot(), mice.impute.logreg(), mice.impute.mean(), mice.impute.midastouch(), mice.impute.mnar.logreg(), mice.impute.norm.boot(), mice.impute.norm.nob(), mice.impute.norm.predict(), mice.impute.norm(), mice.impute.pmm(), mice.impute.polr(), mice.impute.polyreg(), mice.impute.quadratic(), mice.impute.rf(), mice.impute.ri()


Run this code

# Create Data
B1 <- .5
B2 <- .5
X <- rnorm(1000)
XX <- X^2
e <- rnorm(1000, 0, 1)
Y <- B1 * X + B2 * XX + e
dat <- data.frame(x = X, xx = XX, y = Y)

# Impose 25 percent MCAR Missingness
dat[0 == rbinom(1000, 1, 1 - .25), 1:2] <- NA

# Prepare data for imputation
blk <- list(c("x", "xx"), "y")
meth <- c("mpmm", "")

# Impute data
imp <- mice(dat, blocks = blk, method = meth, print = FALSE)

# Pool results
pool(with(imp, lm(y ~ x + xx)))

# Plot results
plot(dat$x, dat$xx, col = mdc(1), xlab = "x", ylab = "xx")
cmp <- complete(imp)
points(cmp$x[is.na(dat$x)], cmp$xx[is.na(dat$x)], col = mdc(2))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab