# fully conditionally specified main effects model
form1 <- list(bmi ~ age + chl + hyp,
hyp ~ age + bmi + chl,
chl ~ age + bmi + hyp)
form1 <- name.formulas(form1)
imp1 <- mice(nhanes, formulas = form1, print = FALSE, m = 1, seed = 12199)
# same model using dot notation
form2 <- list(bmi ~ ., hyp ~ ., chl ~ .)
form2 <- name.formulas(form2)
imp2 <- mice(nhanes, formulas = form2, print = FALSE, m = 1, seed = 12199)
identical(complete(imp1), complete(imp2))
# same model using repeated multivariate imputation
form3 <- name.blocks(list(all = bmi + hyp + chl ~ .))
imp3 <- mice(nhanes, formulas = form3, print = FALSE, m = 1, seed = 12199)
cmp3 <- complete(imp3)
identical(complete(imp1), complete(imp3))
# same model using predictorMatrix
imp4 <- mice(nhanes, print = FALSE, m = 1, seed = 12199, auxiliary = TRUE)
identical(complete(imp1), complete(imp4))
# different model: multivariate imputation for chl and bmi
form5 <- list(chl + bmi ~ ., hyp ~ bmi + age)
form5 <- name.formulas(form5)
imp5 <- mice(nhanes, formulas = form5, print = FALSE, m = 1, seed = 71712)
# }
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