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rbind.mids: Combine mids objects by rows


This function combines two mids objects rowwise into a single mids object, or combines a mids object with a vector, matrix, factor or dataframe rowwise into a mids object.


rbind.mids(x, y = NULL, ...)



A mids object.


A mids object, or a data.frame, matrix, factor or vector.

Additional data.frame, matrix, vector or factor. These can be given as named arguments.


An S3 object of class mids


If y is a mids object, then rbind requires that the number of multiple imputations in x and y is identical. Also, columns of x$data and y$data should match.

If y is not a mids object, the columns of x$data and y should match. The where matrix for y is set to FALSE, signaling that any missing values in y were not imputed.


van Buuren S and Groothuis-Oudshoorn K (2011). mice: Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 45(3), 1-67. https://www.jstatsoft.org/v45/i03/

See Also

cbind.mids, ibind, mids


Run this code
imp1 <- mice(nhanes[1:13, ], m = 2, maxit = 1, print = FALSE)
imp5 <- mice(nhanes[1:13, ], m = 2, maxit = 2, print = FALSE)
mylist <- list(age = NA, bmi = NA, hyp = NA, chl = NA)

nrow(complete(rbind(imp1, imp5)))
nrow(complete(rbind(imp1, mylist)))

nrow(complete(rbind(imp1, data.frame(mylist))))
nrow(complete(rbind(imp1, complete(imp5))))
# }

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