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mice (version 3.6.0)

cbind: Combine R Objects by Rows and Columns


Functions cbind() and rbind() are defined in the mice package in order to enable dispatch to cbind.mids() and rbind.mids() when one of the arguments is a data.frame.






(generalized) vectors or matrices. These can be given as named arguments. Other R objects may be coerced as appropriate, or S4 methods may be used: see sections ‘Details’ and ‘Value’. (For the "data.frame" method of cbind these can be further arguments to data.frame such as stringsAsFactors.)


The standard base::cbind() and base::rbind() always dispatch to base::cbind.data.frame() or base::rbind.data.frame() if one of the arguments is a data.frame. The versions defined in the mice package intercept the user command and test whether the first argument has class "mids". If so, function calls cbind.mids(), respectively rbind.mids(). In all other cases, the call is forwarded to standard functions in the base package.

See Also

cbind, rbind, cbind.mids, rbind.mids