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panTree: Constructing pan-genome trees


Creates a pan-genome tree based on a pan-matrix and a distance function.


panTree(pan.matrix, dist.FUN=distManhattan, nboot=0, linkage="average", ...)


A Panmat object, see panMatrix.
A valid distance function, see below.
Number of bootstrap samples.
The linkage function, see below.
Additional parameters passed on to the specified distance function, see Details below.


This function returns a Pantree object, which is a small (S3) extension to a list with 4 components. These components are named Htree, Nboot, Nbranch and Dist.FUN.Htree is a hclust object. This is the actual tree.Nboot is the number of bootstrap samples.Nbranch is a vector listing the number of times each split/clade in the tree was observed in the bootstrap procedure.Dist.FUN is the name of the distance function used to construct the tree.


A pan-genome tree is a graphical display of the genomes in a pan-genome study, based on some pan-matrix (Snipen & Ussery, 2010). panTree is a constructor that computes a Pantree object, use plot.Pantree to actually plot the tree. The parameter dist.FUN must be a function that takes as input a numerical matrix (Panmat object) and returns a dist object. See distManhattan or distJaccard for examples of such functions. Any additional arguments (...) are passed on to this function. If you want to have bootstrap-values in the tree, set nboot to some appropriate number (e.g. nboot=100). The tree is created by hclust (hierarchical clustering) using the average linkage function, which is according to Snipen & Ussery, 2010. You may specify alternatives by the parameter linkage, see hclust for details.


Snipen, L., Ussery, D.W. (2010). Standard operating procedure for computing pangenome trees. Standards in Genomic Sciences, 2:135-141.

See Also

panMatrix, distManhattan, distJaccard, plot.Pantree.


Run this code
# Loading a Panmat object, constructing a tree and plotting it
my.tree <- panTree(Mpneumoniae.blast.panmat)

# Computing some weights to be used in the distManhattan 
# function below...
w <- geneWeights(Mpneumoniae.blast.panmat,type="shell")
# Creating another tree with scaled and weighted distances and bootstrap values
my.tree <- panTree(Mpneumoniae.blast.panmat, scale=0.1, weights=w)

# ...and plotting with alternative labels and colors from Mpneumoniae.table
labels <- Mpneumoniae.table$Strain
names(labels) <- Mpneumoniae.table$GID.tag
cols <- Mpneumoniae.table$Color
names(cols) <- Mpneumoniae.table$GID.tag
plot(my.tree, leaf.lab=labels, col=cols,
	cex=0.8, xlab="Shell-weighted Manhattan distances")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab