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micropan (version 1.0)

readHmmer: Reading results from a HMMER3 scan


Reading a text file produced by hmmerScan.




The name of a hmmerScan result file.
Numeric threshold, hits with E-value above this are ignored (default is 1.0).
Logical indicating if accession numbers should be used to identify the hits.


The results are returned in a data.frame with columns Query, Hit, Evalue, Score, Start, Stop, Description. Query is the tag identifying each sequence in each genome, typically GID111_seq1, GID121_seq3, etc. Hit is the name or accession number for a pHMM in the database describing patterns. The Evalue is the ievalue in the HMMER3 terminology. The Score is the HMMER3 score for the match between Query and Hit. The Start and Stop are the positions within the Query where the Hit (pattern) starts and stops. Description is the description of the Hit.There is one line for each hit.


The function reads a text file produced by hmmerScan. By specifying a smaller e.value you filter out poorer hits, and fewer results are returned. The option use.acc should be turned off (FALSE) if you scan against your own database where accession numbers are lacking.

See Also

hmmerScan, hmmerCleanOverlap, dClust.


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