if (FALSE) {
# This example requires the external prodigal software
# Using a genome file in this package.
genome.file <- file.path(path.package("microseq"),"extdata","small.fna")
# Searching for coding sequences, this is Mycoplasma (trans.tab = 4)
genome <- readFasta(genome.file)
gff.tbl <- findGenes(genome, trans.tab = 4)
# Retrieving the sequences
cds.tbl <- gff2fasta(gff.tbl, genome)
# You may use the pipe operator
readFasta(genome.file) %>%
findGenes(trans.tab = 4) %>%
filter(Score >= 50) %>%
ggplot() +
geom_histogram(aes(x = Score), bins = 25)
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