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miniCRAN (version 0.3.0)

makeRepo: Downloads packages from CRAN to specified path and creates a local repository.


Given a list of packages, downloads these packages to a specified destination folder using the required CRAN folder structure, and finally creates the PACKAGES index file. Since the folder structure mimics the required structure and files of a CRAN repository, it supports functions like utils::install.packages().


  repos = getOption("repos"),
  type = "source",
  Rversion = R.version,
  download = TRUE,
  quiet = FALSE

updateRepoIndex(path, type = "source", Rversion = R.version)


character vector of downloaded package files



Character vector of packages to download


Destination download path. This path is the root folder of your new repository.


URL(s) of the 'contrib' sections of the repositories, e.g. "https://cran.us.r-project.org". Passed to available.packages()


Possible values are (currently) "source", "mac.binary" and "win.binary": the binary types can be listed and downloaded but not installed on other platforms. Passed to download.packages().


Version of R (only used if type is not source.) Defaults to R.version, but this can be specified as any of the following formats:

  • a character string with the two digit R version, e.g. "3.1"

  • a list with components major and minor

  • the result of getRversion()

  • the result of R.version


If TRUE downloads packages.


If TRUE, calls write_PACKAGES() to update the repository PACKAGES file.


If TRUE, suppress status messages (if any), and the progress bar during download.

Repo folder structure

A repository has two main folders, one for source packages, and the other for binary packages. Inside the binary package folder, bin, you will find subfolders for Windows as well as the various OSX binaries.

+- Root

...+- src/contrib

......+- PACKAGES

..+- bin

.......+- windows/contrib/version

..........+- PACKAGES

.......+- macosx/contrib/version

..........+- PACKAGES

.......+- macosx/mavericks/contrib/version

..........+- PACKAGES

.......+- macosx/leopard/contrib/version

..........+- PACKAGES

See Also

Other update repo functions: addOldPackage(), addPackage(), checkVersions(), updatePackages()


Run this code

# Specify list of packages to download
mirror <- c(CRAN = "https://cloud.r-project.org")
pkgs <- c("foreach")

if (interactive()) {
  pdb <- cranJuly2014
  pdb <- pkgAvail(
    repos = c(CRAN = getOption("minicran.mran")),
    type = "source"
  pkgList <- pkgDep(pkgs, availPkgs = pdb, repos = mirror,
                    type = "source", suggests = FALSE)
  # Create temporary folder for miniCRAN
  dir.create(pth <- file.path(tempdir(), "miniCRAN"))
  # Make repo for source and win.binary
  makeRepo(pkgList, path = pth, repos = mirror, type = "source")
  # List all files in miniCRAN
  list.files(pth, recursive = TRUE)
  # Check for available packages
  pkgAvail(repos = pth, type = "source")
  # Repeat process for windows binaries
  makeRepo(pkgList, path = pth, repos = mirror, type = "win.binary")
  pkgAvail(repos = pth, type = "win.binary")
  # Delete temporary folder
  unlink(pth, recursive = TRUE)

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