This is a thin wrapper around utils::available.packages()
. If the argument
is supplied, then the function attempts to read from a local
repository, otherwise attempts to read from a CRAN mirror at the repos
repos = getOption("repos"),
type = "source",
Rversion = R.version,
quiet = FALSE,
filters = NULL
URL(s) of the 'contrib' sections of the repositories, e.g.
. Passed to available.packages()
Possible values are (currently) "source", "mac.binary" and
"win.binary": the binary types can be listed and downloaded but not
installed on other platforms. Passed to download.packages()
Version of R (only used if type
is not source
.) Defaults to R.version, but this can be specified as any of the following formats:
a character string with the two digit R version, e.g. "3.1"
a list with components major
and minor
the result of getRversion()
the result of R.version
If TRUE, suppresses warnings
passed to utils::available.packages