Learn R Programming

mirt (version 1.17.1)

areainfo: Function to calculate the area under a selection of information curves


Compute the area within test or item information over a definite integral range.


areainfo(x, theta_lim, which.items = 1:extract.mirt(x, "nitems"), ...)


an estimated mirt object
range of integration to be computed
an integer vector indicating which items to include in the expected information function. Default uses all possible items
additional arguments passed to integrate


  • a data.frame with the lower and upper integration range, the information area within the range (Info), the information area over the range -10 to 10 (Total.Info), proportion of total information given the integration range (Info.Proportion), and the number of items included (nitems)


Run this code
dat <- expand.table(LSAT7)
mod <- mirt(dat, 1)

areainfo(mod, c(-2,0), which.items = 1) #item 1
areainfo(mod, c(-2,0), which.items = 1:3) #items 1 to 3
areainfo(mod, c(-2,0)) # all items (total test information)

# plot the area
area <- areainfo(mod, c(-2,0))
Theta <- matrix(seq(-3,3, length.out=1000))
info <- testinfo(mod, Theta)
plot(info ~ Theta, type = 'l')

pick <- Theta >= -2 & Theta <=0
polygon(c(-2, Theta[pick], 0), c(0, info[pick], 0), col='lightblue')
text(x = 2, y = 0.5, labels = paste("Total Information:", round(area$TotalInfo, 3),
           "\n\nInformation in (-2, 0):", round(area$Info, 3),
           paste("(", round(100 * area$Proportion, 2), "%)", sep = "")), cex = 1.2)

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