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mirt (version 1.17.1)

createItem: Create a user defined item with correct generic functions


Initializes the proper S4 class and methods necessary for mirt functions to use in estimation. To use the defined objects pass to the mirt(..., customItems = list()) command, and ensure that the classes are properly labeled and unique in the list.


createItem(name, par, est, P, gr = NULL, hss = NULL, gen = NULL,
  lbound = NULL, ubound = NULL, derivType = "forward")


a character indicating the item class name to be defined
a named vector of the starting values for the parameters
a logical vector indicating which parameters should be freely estimated by default
the probability trace function for all categories (first column is category 1, second category two, etc). First input contains a vector of all the item parameters, the second input must be a matrix called Theta, and the third input must be th
gradient function (vector of first derivatives) of the log-likelihood used in estimation. The function must be of the form gr(x, Theta), where x is the object defined by createItem() and Theta is a matri
Hessian function (matrix of second derivatives) of the log-likelihood used in estimation. If not specified a numeric approximation will be used (required for the MH-RM algorithm only). The input is idential to the gr argument
a function used when GenRandomPars = TRUE is passed to the estimation function to generate random starting values. Function must be of the form function(object) ... and must return a vector with properties equivalent to the
optional vector indicating the lower bounds of the parameters. If not specified then the bounds will be set to -Inf
optional vector indicating the lower bounds of the parameters. If not specified then the bounds will be set to Inf
if the gr or hss terms are not specified this type will be used to obtain them numerically. Default is the 'forward' method (fastest), but more exact approaches include 'central' and 'Richardson'


The summary() function will not return proper standardized loadings since the function is not sure how to handle them (no slopes could be defined at all!). Instead loadings of .001 are filled in as place-holders.


Run this code
name <- 'old2PL'
par <- c(a = .5, b = -2)
est <- c(TRUE, TRUE)
P.old2PL <- function(par,Theta, ncat){
     a <- par[1]
     b <- par[2]
     P1 <- 1 / (1 + exp(-1*a*(Theta - b)))
     cbind(1-P1, P1)

x <- createItem(name, par=par, est=est, P=P.old2PL)

#So, let's estimate it!
dat <- expand.table(LSAT7)
sv <- mirt(dat, 1, c(rep('2PL',4), 'old2PL'), customItems=list(old2PL=x), pars = 'values')
tail(sv) #looks good
mod <- mirt(dat, 1, c(rep('2PL',4), 'old2PL'), customItems=list(old2PL=x))
mod2 <- mirt(dat, 1, c(rep('2PL',4), 'old2PL'), customItems=list(old2PL=x), method = 'MHRM')

#several secondary functions supported
M2(mod, calcNull=FALSE)
fscores(mod, full.scores=FALSE)

# fit the same model, but specify gradient function explicitly (use of a brower() may be helpful)
gr <- function(x, Theta){
     # browser()
     a <- x@par[1]
     b <- x@par[2]
     P <- probtrace(x, Theta)
     PQ <- apply(P, 1, prod)
     r_P <- x@dat / P
     grad <- numeric(2)
     grad[2] <- sum(-a * PQ * (r_P[,2] - r_P[,1]))
     grad[1] <- sum((Theta - b) * PQ * (r_P[,2] - r_P[,1]))

     ## check with internal numerical form to be safe
     # numerical_deriv(x@par[x@est], mirt:::EML, obj=x, Theta=Theta, type='Richardson')

x <- createItem(name, par=par, est=est, P=P.old2PL, gr=gr)
mod <- mirt(dat, 1, c(rep('2PL',4), 'old2PL'), customItems=list(old2PL=x))
coef(mod, simplify=TRUE)

name <- 'nonlin'
par <- c(a1 = .5, a2 = .1, d = 0)
est <- c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)
P.nonlin <- function(par,Theta, ncat=2){
     a1 <- par[1]
     a2 <- par[2]
     d <- par[3]
     P1 <- 1 / (1 + exp(-1*(a1*Theta + a2*Theta^2 + d)))
     cbind(1-P1, P1)

x2 <- createItem(name, par=par, est=est, P=P.nonlin)

mod <- mirt(dat, 1, c(rep('2PL',4), 'nonlin'), customItems=list(nonlin=x2))

###nominal response model (Bock 1972 version)
Tnom.dev <- function(ncat) {
   T <- matrix(1/ncat, ncat, ncat - 1)
   diag(T[-1, ]) <-  diag(T[-1, ]) - 1

name <- 'nom'
par <- c(alp=c(3,0,-3),gam=rep(.4,3))
est <- rep(TRUE, length(par))
P.nom <- function(par, Theta, ncat){
   alp <- par[1:(ncat-1)]
   gam <- par[ncat:length(par)]
   a <- Tnom.dev(ncat) %*% alp
   c <- Tnom.dev(ncat) %*% gam
   z <- matrix(0, nrow(Theta), ncat)
   for(i in 1:ncat)
       z[,i] <- a[i] * Theta + c[i]
   P <- exp(z) / rowSums(exp(z))

nom1 <- createItem(name, par=par, est=est, P=P.nom, derivType = 'central')
nommod <- mirt(Science, 1, 'nom1', customItems=list(nom1=nom1))
Tnom.dev(4) %*% coef(nommod)[[1]][1:3] #a
Tnom.dev(4) %*% coef(nommod)[[1]][4:6] #d

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab