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mirt (version 1.17.1)

empirical_ES: Empirical effect sizes based on latent trait estimates


Computes effect size measures of differential item functioning and differential test/bundle functioning based on expected scores from Meade (2010). Item parameters from both reference and focal group are used in conjunction with focal group empirical theta estimates (and an assumed normally distributed theta) to compute expected scores.


empirical_ES(mod, Theta.focal = NULL, focal_items = 1L:extract.mirt(mod,
  "nitems"), DIF = TRUE, npts = 61, theta_lim = c(-6, 6), ref.group = 1,
  plot = FALSE, par.strip.text = list(cex = 0.7), digits = 3,
  par.settings = list(strip.background = list(col = "#9ECAE1"), strip.border =
  list(col = "black")), ...)


a multipleGroup object which estimated only 2 groups
an optional matrix of Theta values from the focal group to be evaluated. If not supplied the default values to fscores will be used in conjunction with the ... arguments passed
a numeric vector indicating which items to include the tests. The default uses all of the items. Selecting fewer items will result in tests of 'differential bundle functioning' when DIF = FALSE
logical; return a data.frame of item-level imputation properties? If FALSE, only DBF and DTF statistics will be reported
number of points to use in the integration. Default is 61
lower and upper limits of the latent trait (theta) to be evaluated, and is used in conjunction with npts
either 1 or 2 to indicate which group is considered the 'reference' group. Default is 1
logical; plot expected scores of items/test where expected scores are computed using focal group thetas and both focal and reference group item parameters
plotting argument passed to lattice
number of digits to round the output, default is 3
plotting argument passed to lattice
additional arguments to be passed to fscores and xyplot


Meade, A. W. (2010). A taxonomy of effect size measures for the differential functioning of items and scales. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95, 728-743.


Run this code
#no DIF
a <- matrix(abs(rnorm(15,1,.3)), ncol=1)
d <- matrix(rnorm(15,0,.7),ncol=1)
itemtype <- rep('dich', nrow(a))
N <- 1000
dataset1 <- simdata(a, d, N, itemtype)
dataset2 <- simdata(a, d, N, itemtype, mu = .1, sigma = matrix(1.5))
dat <- rbind(dataset1, dataset2)
group <- c(rep('Ref', N), rep('Focal', N))

mod <- multipleGroup(dat, 1, group = group,
   invariance = c(colnames(dat)[1:5], 'free_means', 'free_var'))
coef(mod, simplify=TRUE)

empirical_ES(mod, DIF=FALSE)
empirical_ES(mod, DIF=FALSE, focal_items = 10:15)

empirical_ES(mod, plot=TRUE)
empirical_ES(mod, plot=TRUE, DIF=FALSE)

a1 <- a2 <- matrix(abs(rnorm(15,1,.3)), ncol=1)
d1 <- d2 <- matrix(rnorm(15,0,.7),ncol=1)
a2[10:15,] <- a2[10:15,] + rnorm(6, 0, .3)
d2[10:15,] <- d2[10:15,] + rnorm(6, 0, .3)
itemtype <- rep('dich', nrow(a1))
N <- 1000
dataset1 <- simdata(a1, d1, N, itemtype)
dataset2 <- simdata(a2, d2, N, itemtype, mu = .1, sigma = matrix(1.5))
dat <- rbind(dataset1, dataset2)
group <- c(rep('Ref', N), rep('Focal', N))

mod <- multipleGroup(dat, 1, group = group,
   invariance = c(colnames(dat)[1:5], 'free_means', 'free_var'))
coef(mod, simplify=TRUE)

empirical_ES(mod, DIF = FALSE)
empirical_ES(mod, plot=TRUE)
empirical_ES(mod, plot=TRUE, DIF=FALSE)

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