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mirt (version 1.17.1)

imputeMissing: Imputing plausible data for missing values


Given an estimated model from any of mirt's model fitting functions and an estimate of the latent trait, impute plausible missing data values. Returns the original data in a data.frame without any NA values. If a list of Theta values is supplied then a list of complete datasets is returned instead.


imputeMissing(x, Theta, ...)


an estimated model x from the mirt package
a matrix containing the estimates of the latent trait scores (e.g., via fscores)
additional arguments to pass


Run this code
dat <- expand.table(LSAT7)
(original <- mirt(dat, 1))
NAperson <- sample(1:nrow(dat), 20, replace = TRUE)
NAitem <- sample(1:ncol(dat), 20, replace = TRUE)
for(i in 1:20)
    dat[NAperson[i], NAitem[i]] <- NA
(mod <- mirt(dat, 1))
scores <- fscores(mod, method = 'MAP')

#re-estimate imputed dataset (good to do this multiple times and average over)
fulldata <- imputeMissing(mod, scores)
(fullmod <- mirt(fulldata, 1))

#with multipleGroup
group <- sample(c('group1', 'group2'), 1000, TRUE)
mod2 <- multipleGroup(dat, 1, group, TOL=1e-2)
fs <- fscores(mod2)
fulldata2 <- imputeMissing(mod2, fs)

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