if (FALSE) {
# fit a 2PL on the LSAT7 data and get the scores
mod1 <- mirt(expand.table(LSAT7), 1, SE = TRUE, SE.type = "crossprod")
sc1 <- estfun.AllModelClass(mod1)
# get the gradient
# calculate the OPG estimate of the variance-covariance matrix "by hand"
vc1 <- vcov(mod1)
all.equal(crossprod(sc1), chol2inv(chol(vc1)), check.attributes = FALSE)
# Discrete group
modd <- mdirt(expand.table(LSAT7), 2, SE = TRUE, SE.type = "crossprod")
sc1 <- estfun.AllModelClass(modd)
# get the gradient
# calculate the OPG estimate of the variance-covariance matrix "by hand"
vc1 <- vcov(modd)
all.equal(crossprod(sc1), chol2inv(chol(vc1)), check.attributes = FALSE)
# fit a multiple group 2PL and do the same as above
group <- rep(c("G1", "G2"), 500)
mod2 <- multipleGroup(expand.table(LSAT7), 1, group, SE = TRUE,
SE.type = "crossprod")
sc2 <- estfun.AllModelClass(mod2)
vc2 <- vcov(mod2)
all.equal(crossprod(sc2), chol2inv(chol(vc2)), check.attributes = FALSE)
# fit a bifactor model with 2 specific factors and do the same as above
mod3 <- bfactor(expand.table(LSAT7), c(2, 2, 1, 1, 2), SE = TRUE,
SE.type = "crossprod")
sc3 <- estfun.AllModelClass(mod3)
vc3 <- vcov(mod3)
all.equal(crossprod(sc3), chol2inv(chol(vc3)), check.attributes = FALSE)
# fit a 2PL not weighting all cases equally
survey.weights <- c(rep(2, sum(LSAT7$freq) / 2), rep(1, sum(LSAT7$freq) / 2))
survey.weights <- survey.weights / sum(survey.weights) * sum(LSAT7$freq)
mod4 <- mirt(expand.table(LSAT7), 1, SE = TRUE, SE.type = "crossprod",
survey.weights = survey.weights)
sc4 <- estfun.AllModelClass(mod4,
weights = extract.mirt(mod4, "survey.weights"))
# get the gradient
# to calculate the OPG estimate of the variance-covariance matrix "by hand",
# the weights must be adjusted by taking their square root
sc4_crp <- estfun.AllModelClass(mod4,
weights = sqrt(extract.mirt(mod4, "survey.weights")))
vc4 <- vcov(mod4)
all.equal(crossprod(sc4_crp), chol2inv(chol(vc4)), check.attributes = FALSE)
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