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chr.omit: Omit Strings


This function omits user-specified values or strings from a numeric vector, character vector or factor.


chr.omit(x, omit = "", na.omit = FALSE, check = TRUE)


Returns a numeric vector, character vector or factor with values or strings specified in omit omitted from the vector specified in x.



a numeric vector, character vector or factor.


a numeric vector or character vector indicating values or strings to be omitted from the vector x, the default setting is the empty strings "".


logical: if TRUE, missing values (NA) are also omitted from the vector.


logical: if TRUE (default), argument specification is checked.


Takuya Yanagida takuya.yanagida@univie.ac.at

See Also

chr.color, chr.grep, chr.grepl, chr.gsub, chr.trim, chr.trunc


Run this code
# Charater vector
x.chr <- c("a", "", "c", NA, "", "d", "e", NA)

# Example 1: Omit character string ""

# Example 2: Omit character string "" and missing values (NA)
chr.omit(x.chr, na.omit = TRUE)

# Example 3: Omit character string "c" and "e"
chr.omit(x.chr, omit = c("c", "e"))

# Example 4: Omit character string "c", "e", and missing values (NA)
chr.omit(x.chr, omit = c("c", "e"), na.omit = TRUE)

# Numeric vector
x.num <- c(1, 2, NA, 3, 4, 5, NA)

# Example 5: Omit values 2 and 4
chr.omit(x.num, omit = c(2, 4))

# Example 6: Omit values 2, 4, and missing values (NA)
chr.omit(x.num, omit = c(2, 4), na.omit = TRUE)

# Factor
x.factor <- factor(letters[1:10])

# Example 7: Omit factor levels "a", "c", "e", and "g"
chr.omit(x.factor, omit = c("a", "c", "e", "g"))

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