This function performs an one-way repeated measures analysis of variance (within subject ANOVA) including paired-samples t-tests for multiple comparison and provides descriptive statistics, effect size measures, and a plot showing error bars for difference-adjusted Cousineau-Morey within-subject confidence intervals with jittered data points including subject-specific lines.
aov.w(formula, data, print = c("all", "none", "LB", "GG", "HF"),
posthoc = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95,
p.adj = c("none", "bonferroni", "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "BH", "BY", "fdr"),
hypo = TRUE, descript = TRUE, epsilon = TRUE, effsize = FALSE, na.omit = TRUE,
digits = 2, p.digits = 3, = NULL, plot = FALSE, point = TRUE, line = TRUE,
ci = TRUE, jitter = FALSE, adjust = TRUE, point.size = 3, line.width = 0.5,
errorbar.width = 0.1, jitter.size = 1.25,jitter.width = 0.05, jitter.alpha = 0.1,
xlab = NULL, ylab = "y", ylim = NULL, ybreaks = ggplot2::waiver(), title = NULL,
subtitle = "Confidence Interval", filename = NULL, width = NA, height = NA,
units = c("in", "cm", "mm", "px"), dpi = 600, write = NULL, append = TRUE,
check = TRUE, output = TRUE)
Returns an object of class misty.object
, which is a list with following
function call
type of analysis
list with the data (data
) in wide-format (wide
), reshaped data in long-format (long
), and within-subject confidence intervals (ci
formula of the current analysis
specification of function arguments
ggplot2 object for plotting the results
list with result tables, i.e., descript
for descriptive
statistics, epsilon
for a table with indices of sphericity,
for the ANOVA table (none
for no sphericity
correction, lb
for lower bound correction, gg
for Greenhouse and Geiser correction, and hf
Huynh and Feldt correction), posthoc
for post hoc
tests, and aov
for the return object of the aov
a formula of the form cbind(time1, time2, time3) ~ 1
where time1
, time2
, and time3
numeric variables representing the levels of the within-subject
factor, i.e., data are specified in wide-format (i.e.,
multivariate person level format).
a matrix or data frame containing the variables in the
formula formula
a character vector indicating which sphericity correction
to use, i.e., all
for all corrections, none
for no correction, LB
for lower bound correction,
for Greenhouse-Geisser correction, and HF
for Huynh-Feldt correction.
logical: if TRUE
, paired-samples t-tests for multiple
comparison are conducted.
a numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating the confidence level of the interval.
a character string indicating an adjustment method for
multiple testing based on p.adjust
, i.e.,
, bonferroni
, holm
h ochberg
, hommel
, BH
, BY
, or
logical: if TRUE
(default), null and alternative hypothesis
are shown on the console.
logical: if TRUE
(default), descriptive statistics are shown
on the console.
logical: if TRUE
(default), box indices of sphericity (epsilon)
are shown on the console, i.e., lower bound, Greenhouse
and Geiser (GG), Huynh and Feldt (HF) and average of GG
and HF.
logical: if TRUE
, effect size measures eta-squared
(\(\eta^2\)), partial eta-squared (\(\eta^2_p\)),
omega-squared (\(\omega^2\)), and partial omega-squared
(\(\omega^2_p\)) for the repeated measures ANOVA and
Cohen's d for the post hoc tests are shown on
the console.
logical: if TRUE
, incomplete cases are removed
before conducting the analysis (i.e., listwise deletion).
an integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be used for displaying descriptive statistics and confidence interval.
an integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be used for displaying the p-value.
a numeric vector indicating user-defined missing values,
i.e. these values are converted to NA
conducting the analysis.
logical: if TRUE
, a plot showing error bars for
confidence intervals is drawn.
logical: if TRUE
(default), points representing
means for each groups are drawn.
logical: if TRUE
(default), a line connecting means
of each groups and lines connecting data points are drawn
when jitter = TRUE
logical: if TRUE
(default), error bars representing
confidence intervals are drawn.
logical: if TRUE
, jittered data points with
subject-specific lines are drawn.
logical: if TRUE
(default), difference-adjustment
for the Cousineau-Morey within-subject confidence
intervals is applied.
a numeric value indicating the size
aesthetic for
the point representing the mean value.
a numeric value indicating the linewidth
for the line connecting means of each groups.
a numeric value indicating the horizontal bar width of the error bar.
a numeric value indicating the size
for the jittered data points.
a numeric value indicating the amount of horizontal jitter.
a numeric value between 0 and 1 for specifying the
argument in the geom_histogram
function for controlling the opacity of the jittered
data points.
a character string specifying the labels for the x-axis.
a character string specifying the labels for the y-axis.
a numeric vector of length two specifying limits of the limits of the y-axis.
a numeric vector specifying the points at which tick-marks are drawn at the y-axis.
a character string specifying the text for the title for the plot.
a character string specifying the text for the subtitle for the plot.
a character string indicating the filename
argument including the file extension in the ggsave
function. Note that one of ".eps"
, ".ps"
, ".pdf"
, ".tiff"
, ".png"
, ".svg"
or ".wmf"
to be specified as file extension in the filename
argument. Note that plots can only be saved when
plot = TRUE
or plot = "boot"
a numeric value indicating the width
(default is the size of the current graphics device)
in the ggsave
a numeric value indicating the height
(default is the size of the current graphics device)
in the ggsave
a character string indicating the units
(default is in
) in the ggsave
a numeric value indicating the dpi
(default is 600
) in the ggsave
a character string naming a text file with file extension
(e.g., "Output.txt"
) for writing the
output into a text file.
logical: if TRUE
(default), output will be appended
to an existing text file with extension .txt
in write
, if FALSE
existing text file will be
logical: if TRUE
(default), argument specification is checked.
logical: if TRUE
(default), output is shown on the console.
Takuya Yanagida
The F-Test of the repeated measures ANOVA is based on the assumption of sphericity, which is defined as the assumption that the variance of differences between repeated measures are equal in the population. The Mauchly's test is commonly used to test this hypothesis. However, test of assumptions addresses an irrelevant hypothesis because what matters is the degree of violation rather than its presence (Baguley, 2012a). Moreover, the test is not recommended because it lacks statistical power (Abdi, 2010). Instead, the Box index of sphericity (\(\varepsilon\)) should be used to assess the degree of violation of the sphericity assumption. The \(\varepsilon\) parameter indicates the degree to which the population departs from sphericity with \(\varepsilon = 1\) indicating that sphericity holds. As the departure becomes more extreme, \(\varepsilon\) approaches its lower bound \(\hat{\varepsilon}_{lb}\):
$$\hat{\varepsilon}_{lb} = \frac{1}{J - 1}$$
where \(J\) is the number of levels of the within-subject factor. Box (1954a, 1954b) suggested a measure for sphericity, which applies to a population covariance matrix. Greenhouse and Geisser (1959) proposed an estimate for \(\varepsilon\) known as \(\hat{\varepsilon}_{gg}\) that can be computed from the sample covariance matrix, whereas Huynh and Feldt (1976) proposed an alternative estimate \(\hat{\varepsilon}_{hf}\). These estimates can be used to correct the effect and error df of the F-test. Simulation studies showed that \(\hat{\varepsilon}_{gg} \leq \hat{\varepsilon}_{hf}\) and that \(\hat{\varepsilon}_{gg}\) tends to be conservative underestimating \(\varepsilon\), whereas \(\hat{\varepsilon}_{hf}\) tends to be liberal overestimating \(\varepsilon\) and occasionally exceeding one. Baguley (2012a) recommended to compute the average of the conservative estimate \(\hat{\varepsilon}_{gg}\) and the liberal estimate \(\hat{\varepsilon}_{hf}\) to assess the sphericity assumption. By default, the function prints results depending on the average \(\hat{\varepsilon}_{gg}\) and \(\hat{\varepsilon}_{hf}\):
If the average is less than 0.75 results of the F-Test based on Greenhouse-Geiser correction factor (\(\hat{\varepsilon}_{gg}\)) is printed.
If the average is less greater or equal 0.75, but less than 0.95 results of the F-Test based on Huynh-Feldt correction factor (\(\hat{\varepsilon}_{hf}\)) is printed.
If the average is greater or equal 0.95 results of the F-Test without any corrections are printed.
The function uses listwise deletion by default to
deal with missing data. However, the function also allows to use all available
observations by conducting the repeated measures ANOVA in long data format when
specifying na.omit = FALSE
. Note that in the presence of missing data,
the F-Test without any sphericity corrections may be reliable, but it
is not clear whether results based on Greenhouse-Geiser or Huynh-Feldt correction
are trustworthy given that pairwise deletion is used for estimating the
variance-covariance matrix when computing \(\hat{\varepsilon}_{gg}\) and the total
number of subjects regardless of missing values (i.e., complete and incomplete
cases) are used for computing \(\hat{\varepsilon}_{hf}\).
The function provides a
plot showing error bars for difference-adjusted Cousineau-Morey confidence
intervals (Baguley, 2012b). The intervals matches that of a CI for a difference,
i.e., non-overlapping CIs corresponds to an inferences of no statistically
significant difference. The Cousineau-Morey confidence intervals without
adjustment can be used by specifying adjust = FALSE
Abdi, H. (2010). The Greenhouse-Geisser correction. In N. J. Salkind (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Research Design (pp. 630-634), Sage.
Baguley, T. S. (2012a). Serious stats: A guide to advanced statistics for the behavioral sciences. Palgrave Macmillan.
Baguley, T. (2012b). Calculating and graphing within-subject confidence intervals for ANOVA. Behavior Research Methods, 44, 158-175.
Bakerman, R. (2005). Recommended effect size statistics for repeated measures designs. Behavior Research Methods, 37, 179-384.
Box, G. E. P. (1954a) Some Theorems on Quadratic Forms Applied in the Study of Analysis of Variance Problems, I. Effects of Inequality of Variance in the One-way Classification. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 25, 290–302.
Box, G. E. P. (1954b) Some Theorems on Quadratic Forms Applied in the Study of Analysis of Variance Problems, II. Effects of Inequality of Variance and of Correlation between Errors in the Two-way Classification. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 25, 484–98.
Greenhouse, S. W., and Geisser, S. (1959). On methods in the analysis of profile data.Psychometrika, 24, 95-112.
Huynh, H., and Feldt, L. S. (1976). Estimation of the box correction for degrees of freedom from sample data in randomized block and splitplot designs. Journal of Educational Statistics, 1, 69-82.
Olejnik, S., & Algina, J. (2000). Measures of effect size for comparative studies: Applications, interpretations, and limitations. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25, 241-286.
Rasch, D., Kubinger, K. D., & Yanagida, T. (2011). Statistics in psychology - Using R and SPSS. John Wiley & Sons.
, test.t
, test.z
, ci.mean.diff
, ci.mean
dat <- data.frame(time1 = c(3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7),
time2 = c(4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 6, 7, 3, 4, 5),
time3 = c(1, 2, 2, 3, 6, 5, 1, 2, 4, 6))
# Example 1: Repeated measures ANOVA
aov.w(cbind(time1, time2, time3) ~ 1, data = dat)
# Example 2: Repeated measures ANOVA, print results of all sphericity corrections
aov.w(cbind(time1, time2, time3) ~ 1, data = dat, print = "all")
# Example 3: Repeated measures ANOVA
# print effect size measures
aov.w(cbind(time1, time2, time3) ~ 1, data = dat, effsize = TRUE)
# Example 4: Repeated measures ANOVA, do not print hypotheses and descriptive statistics,
aov.w(cbind(time1, time2, time3) ~ 1, data = dat, descript = FALSE, hypo = FALSE)
# Example 5: Repeated measures ANOVA, plot results
aov.w(cbind(time1, time2, time3) ~ 1, data = dat, plot = TRUE)
if (FALSE) {
# Example 6: Write Results into a text file
aov.w(cbind(time1, time2, time3) ~ 1, data = dat, write = "RM-ANOVA.txt")
# Example 7: Save plot
aov.w(cbind(time1, time2, time3) ~ 1, data = dat, plot = TRUE,
filename = "Repeated_measures_ANOVA.png", width = 7, height = 6)}
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab