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blimp.run: Run Blimp Models


This function runs a group of Blimp models (.imp files) located within a single directory or nested within subdirectories.


blimp.run(target = getwd(), recursive = FALSE,
          replace.out = c("always", "never", "modified"), posterior = FALSE,
          folder = "Posterior_", format = c("csv", "csv2", "xlsx", "rds", "RData"),
          clear = FALSE, Blimp = .detect.blimp(), check = TRUE)





a character string indicating the directory containing Blimp input files (.imp) to run, a character string indicating a single .imp file to run, or a character vector for multiple .imp files to run. May be a full path, relative path, a file name, or a vector of file names within the working directory.


logical: if TRUE, run all models nested in subdirectories within a directory. Not relevant if a single or multiple .imp files were specified for the argument target.


a character string for specifying three settings: "always" (default), which runs all models, regardless of whether an output file for the model exists, "never", which does not run any model that has an existing output file, and "modified", which only runs a model if the modified date for the input file is more recent than the output file modified date.


logical: if TRUE, the posterior distribution including burn-in and post-burn-in phase for all parameters are saved in long format in a file called posterior.* in the folder specified in the argument folder and .imp file name in the format specified in the argument format.


a character string indicating the prefix of the folder for saving the posterior distributions. The default setting is folder = "Posterior_".


a character vector indicating the file format(s) for saving the posterior distributions, i.e., "csv" (default) for write.csv(), "csv2" for write.csv2(), "xlsx" for write.xlsx(), "rds" for saveRDS(), and "RData" for write().


logical: if TRUE, the console is cleared after estimating each model.


a character string for specifying the name or path of the Blimp executable to be used for running models. This covers situations where Blimp is not in the system's path, or where one wants to test different versions of the Blimp program. Note that there is no need to specify this argument for most users since it has intelligent defaults.


logical: if TRUE (default), argument specification is checked.


Takuya Yanagida


Keller, B. T., & Enders, C. K. (2023). Blimp user’s guide (Version 3). Retrieved from www.appliedmissingdata.com/blimp

Keller B (2024). rblimp: Integration of Blimp Software into R. R package version 0.1.31. https://github.com/blimp-stats/rblimp

See Also

blimp, blimp.update, blimp.print, blimp.plot, blimp.bayes


Run this code
if (FALSE) {

# Example 1: Run Blimp models located within the current working directory

# Example 2: Run Blimp models located nested within subdirectories
blimp.run(recursive = TRUE)

# Example 3: Run Blimp input file

# Example 4: Run Blimp input files
blimp.run(c("Ex4.1a.imp", "Ex4.1b.imp"))

# Example 5: Run Blimp models, save posterior distribution in a R workspace
blimp.run(posterior = TRUE, format = "workspace")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab