- data
a numeric vector or data frame with numeric
variables with 0 and 1 values.
- ...
an expression indicating the variable names in data
e.g., ci.prop(dat, x1, x2, x3)
. Note that the
operators .
, +
, -
, ~
, ::
, and !
can also be used
to select variables, see 'Details' in the
- method
a character string specifying the method for computing
the confidence interval, must be one of "wald"
or "wilson"
- boot
a character string specifying the type of bootstrap
confidence intervals (CI), i.e., "none"
for not conducting bootstrapping, "perc"
, for
the percentile bootstrap CI "bc"
(default) for
the bias-corrected (BC) percentile bootstrap CI (without
acceleration), and "bca"
for the bias-corrected
and accelerated (BCa) bootstrap CI, see 'Details' in
the ci.cor
- R
a numeric value indicating the number of bootstrap
replicates (default is 1000).
- seed
a numeric value specifying seeds of the pseudo-random
numbers used in the bootstrap algorithm when conducting
- alternative
a character string specifying the alternative hypothesis,
must be one of "two.sided"
or "less"
- conf.level
a numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating the confidence
level of the interval.
- group
either a character string indicating the variable name
of the grouping variable in data
or a vector representing the grouping variable.
- split
either a character string indicating the variable name
of the split variable in data
or a vector representing the split variable.
- sort.var
logical: if TRUE
, output table is sorted by
variables when specifying group
- na.omit
logical: if TRUE
, incomplete cases are removed
before conducting the analysis (i.e., listwise deletion)
when specifying more than one outcome variable.
- digits
an integer value indicating the number of decimal
places to be used.
- as.na
a numeric vector indicating user-defined missing
values, i.e. these values are converted to NA
before conducting the analysis. Note that as.na()
function is only applied to data
, but not to
or split
- plot
a character string indicating the type of the plot
to display, i.e., "none"
(default) for not
displaying any plots, "ci"
for displaying
confidence intervals for the proportion, "boot"
for displaying bootstrap samples with histograms and
density curves when the argument "boot"
other than "none"
- point.size
a numeric value indicating the size
in the geom_point
function for controlling the
size of points when plotting confidence intervals
(plot = "ci"
- point.shape
a numeric value between 0 and 25 or a character string
as plotting symbol indicating the shape
in the geom_point
function for controlling the
symbols of points when plotting confidence intervals
(plot = "ci"
- errorbar.width
a numeric value indicating the width
in the geom_errorbar
function for controlling
the width of the whiskers in the geom_errorbar
function when plotting confidence intervals
(plot = "ci"
- dodge.width
a numeric value indicating the width
controlling the width of the geom
elements to
be dodged when specifying a grouping variable using
the argument group
when plotting confidence
intervals (plot = "ci"
- hist
logical: if TRUE
(default), histograms are
drawn when plotting bootstrap samples
(plot = "boot"
- binwidth
a numeric value or a function for specifying the
argument in the geom_histogram
function for controlling the width of the bins when
plotting bootstrap samples (plot = "boot"
- bins
a numeric value for specifying the bins
in the geom_histogram
function for controlling
the number of bins when plotting bootstrap samples
(plot = "boot"
- hist.alpha
a numeric value between 0 and 1 for specifying the
argument in the geom_histogram
function for controlling the opacity of the bars
when plotting bootstrap samples (plot = "boot"
- fill
a character string specifying the fill
in the geom_histogram
function controlling the
fill aesthetic when plotting bootstrap samples
(plot = "boot"
). Note that this argument applied
only when no grouping variable was specified
group = NULL
- density
logical: if TRUE
(default), density curves are
drawn when plotting bootstrap samples (plot = "boot"
- density.col
a character string specifying the color
in the geom_density
function controlling the
color of the density curves when plotting bootstrap
samples (plot = "boot"
). Note that this argument
applied only when no grouping variable was specified
group = NULL
- density.linewidth
a numeric value specifying the linewidth
argument in the geom_density
function controlling
the line width of the density curves when plotting
bootstrap samples (plot = "boot"
- density.linetype
a numeric value or character string specifying the
argument in the geom_density
function controlling the line type of the density
curves when plotting bootstrap samples
(plot = "boot"
- point
logical: if TRUE
(default), vertical lines
representing the point estimate of the proportion
are drawn when plotting bootstrap samples
(plot = "boot"
- point.col
a character string specifying the color
in the geom_vline
function for controlling the
color of the vertical line displaying the proportion
when plotting bootstrap samples (plot = "boot"
Note that this argument applied only when no grouping
variable was specified group = NULL
- point.linewidth
a numeric value specifying the linewdith
argument in the geom_vline
function for
controlling the line width of the vertical line
displaying proportions when plotting bootstrap
samples (plot = "boot"
- point.linetype
a numeric value or character string specifying the
argument in the geom_vline
function controlling the line type of the vertical
line displaying proportions when plotting bootstrap
samples (plot = "boot"
- ci
logical: if TRUE
(default), vertical lines
representing the bootstrap confidence intervals of
proportions are drawn when plotting bootstrap samples
(plot = "boot"
- ci.col
character string specifying the color
in the geom_vline
function for controlling the
color of the vertical line displaying bootstrap
confidence intervals when plotting bootstrap samples
(plot = "boot"
). Note that this argument applied
only when no grouping variable was specified
group = NULL
- ci.linewidth
a numeric value specifying the linewdith
in the geom_vline
function for controlling the
line width of the vertical line displaying bootstrap
confidence intervals when plotting bootstrap samples
(plot = "boot"
- ci.linetype
a numeric value or character string specifying the
argument in the geom_vline
function controlling the line type of the vertical
line displaying bootstrap confidence intervals when
plotting bootstrap samples (plot = "boot"
- line
logical: if TRUE
, a horizontal line
is drawn when plot = "ci"
or a vertical line
is drawn when plot = "boot"
- intercept
a numeric value indicating the yintercept
argument in the geom_hline
or geom_vline
function controlling the position
of the horizontal or vertical line when plot = "ci"
and line = TRUE
or when plot = "boot"
and line = TRUE
. By default, the horizontal or
vertical line is drawn at 0.
- linetype
a character string indicating the linetype
argument in the geom_hline
or geom_vline
function controlling the line type of the horizontal
or vertical line (default is linetype = "dashed"
- line.col
a character string indicating the color
in the geom_hline
or geom_vline
for controlling the color of the horizontal or vertical
- xlab
a character string indicating the name
in the scale_x_continuous
function for labeling
the x-axis. The default setting is xlab = NULL
when plot = "ci"
and xlab = "Proportion"
when plot = "boot"
- ylab
a character string indicating the name
in the scale_y_continuous
function for labeling
the y-axis. The default setting is ylab = "Proportion"
when plot = "ci"
ylab = "Probability Density, f(x)"
when plot = "boot"
- xlim
a numeric vector with two elements indicating the
argument in the scale_x_continuous
function for controlling the scale range of the x-axis.
The default setting is xlim = NULL
when plot = "ci"
and xlim = c(0, 1)
when plot = "boot"
- ylim
a numeric vector with two elements indicating the
argument in the scale_y_continuous
function for controlling the scale range of the y-axis.
The default setting is ylim = c(0, 1)
plot = "ci"
and xlim = NULL
plot = "boot"
- xbreaks
a numeric vector indicating the breaks
in the scale_x_continuous
function for controlling
the x-axis breaks. The default setting is
xbreaks = NULL
when plot = "ci"
and xbreaks = seq(-1, 1, by = 0.25)
plot = "boot"
- ybreaks
a numeric vector indicating the breaks
in the scale_y_continuous
function for controlling
the y-axis breaks. The default setting is
ybreaks = seq(-1, 1, by = 0.25)
plot = "ci"
and ybreaks = NULL
plot = "boot"
- axis.title.size
a numeric value indicating the size
in the element_text
function for specifying the
function controlling the font size of the axis title,
i.e., theme(axis.title = element_text(size = axis.text.size))
- axis.text.size
a numeric value indicating the size
in the element_text
function for specifying the
function controlling the font size of the axis text,
i.e., theme(axis.text = element_text(size = axis.text.size))
- strip.text.size
a numeric value indicating the size
in the element_text
function for specifying the
function controlling the font size of the strip text,
i.e., theme(strip.text = element_text(size = strip.text.size))
- title
a character string indicating the title
in the labs
function for the subtitle of the plot.
- subtitle
a character string indicating the subtite
in the labs
function for the subtitle of the plot.
- group.col
a character vector indicating the color
in the scale_color_manual
and scale_fill_manual
functions when specifying a grouping variable using
the argument group
- plot.margin
a numeric vector with four elements indicating the
argument in the theme
controlling the plot margins . The default setting
is c(5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5)
, but switches
to c(5.5, 5.5, -2.5, 5.5)
when specifying a
grouping variable using the argument group
- legend.title
a character string indicating the color
in the labs
function for specifying the legend
title when specifying a grouping variable using the
argument group
- legend.position
a character string indicating the legend.position
in the theme
argument for controlling the
position of the legend function when specifying a
grouping variable using the argument group
By default, the legend is placed at the bottom the
- legend.box.margin
a numeric vector with four elements indicating the
argument in the theme
function for controlling the margins around the full
legend area when specifying a grouping variable using
the argument group
- facet.ncol
a numeric value indicating the ncol
in the facet_wrap
function for controlling
the number of columns when specifying a split variable
using the argument split
- facet.nrow
a numeric value indicating the nrow
in the facet_wrap
function for controlling the
number of rows when specifying a split variable using
the argument split
- facet.scales
a character string indicating the scales
in the facet_wrap
function for controlling the
scales shared across facets, i.e., "fixed"
, "free_y"
, or "free"
(default) when specifying a split variable using
the argument split
- filename
a character string indicating the filename
argument including the file extension in the ggsave
function. Note that one of ".eps"
, ".ps"
, ".pdf"
, ".tiff"
, ".png"
, ".svg"
or ".wmf"
to be specified as file extension in the file
argument. Note that plots can only be saved when
plot = "ci"
or plot = "boot"
- width
a numeric value indicating the width
(default is the size of the current graphics device)
in the ggsave
- height
a numeric value indicating the height
(default is the size of the current graphics device)
in the ggsave
- units
a character string indicating the units
(default is in
) in the ggsave
- dpi
a numeric value indicating the dpi
(default is 600
) in the ggsave
- write
a character string naming a file for writing the output
into either a text file with file extension ".txt"
(e.g., "Output.txt"
) or Excel file with file
extension ".xlsx"
(e.g., "Output.xlsx"
If the file name does not contain any file extension,
an Excel file will be written.
- append
logical: if TRUE
(default), output will be
appended to an existing text file with extension
specified in write
, if FALSE
existing text file will be overwritten.
- check
logical: if TRUE
(default), argument specification
is checked.
- output
logical: if TRUE
(default), output is shown on
the console.