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misty (version 0.7.1)

cor.matrix: Correlation Matrix


This function computes a correlation matrix based on Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, Spearman's rank-order correlation coefficient, Kendall's Tau-b correlation coefficient, Kendall-Stuart's Tau-c correlation coefficient, tetrachoric correlation coefficient, or polychoric correlation coefficient and computes significance values (p-values) for testing the hypothesis H0: \(\rho\) = 0 for all pairs of variables.


cor.matrix(data, ...,
           method = c("pearson", "spearman", "kendall-b", "kendall-c", "tetra", "poly"),
           na.omit = FALSE, group = NULL, sig = FALSE, alpha = 0.05,
           print = c("all", "cor", "n", "stat", "df", "p"),
           tri = c("both", "lower", "upper"),
           p.adj = c("none", "bonferroni", "holm", "hochberg", "hommel",
                     "BH", "BY", "fdr"), continuity = TRUE,
           digits = 2, p.digits = 3, as.na = NULL,
           write = NULL, append = TRUE, check = TRUE, output = TRUE)


Returns an object of class misty.object, which is a list with following entries:


function call


type of analysis


data frame used for the current analysis


specification of function arguments


list with result tables, i.e., cor for the correlation matrix, n for a matrix with the sample sizes, stat for a matrix with the test statistics, df for a matrix with the degrees of freedom, and p-value for the matrix with the significance values (p-values)



a data frame with numeric variables, i.e., factors and character variables are excluded from data before conducting the analysis.


an expression indicating the variable names in data, e.g., cor.matrix(dat, x1, x2, x3). Note that the operators ., +, -, ~, :, ::, and ! can also be used to select variables, see 'Details' in the df.subset function.


a character vector indicating which correlation coefficient is to be computed, i.e. "pearson" for Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (default), "spearman" for Spearman's rank-order correlation coefficient, "kendall-b" for Kendall's Tau-b correlation coefficient, "kendall-c" for Kendall-Stuart's Tau-c correlation coefficient, "tetra" for tetrachoric correlation coefficient, and "poly" for polychoric correlation coefficient.


logical: if TRUE, incomplete cases are removed before conducting the analysis (i.e., listwise deletion); if FALSE (default), pairwise deletion is used.


either a character string indicating the variable name of the grouping variable in data, or a vector representing the grouping variable. Note that the grouping variable is limited to two groups.


logical: if TRUE, statistically significant correlation coefficients are shown in boldface on the console. Note that this function does not provide statistical significance testing for tetrachoric or polychoric correlation coefficients.


a numeric value between 0 and 1 indicating the significance level at which correlation coefficients are printed boldface when sig = TRUE.


a character string or character vector indicating which results to show on the console, i.e. "all" for all results, "cor" for correlation coefficients, "n" for the sample sizes, "stat" for the test statistic, "df" for the degrees of freedom, and "p" for p-values. Note that the function does not provide p-values for tetrachoric or polychoric correlation coefficients.


a character string indicating which triangular of the matrix to show on the console, i.e., both for upper and lower triangular, lower (default) for the lower triangular, and upper for the upper triangular.


a character string indicating an adjustment method for multiple testing based on p.adjust, i.e., none , bonferroni, holm (default), hochberg, hommel, BH, BY, or fdr.


logical: if TRUE (default), continuity correction is used for testing Spearman's rank-order correlation coefficient and Kendall's Tau-b correlation.


an integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be used for displaying correlation coefficients.


an integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be used for displaying p-values.


a numeric vector indicating user-defined missing values, i.e. these values are converted to NA before conducting the analysis.


a character string naming a file for writing the output into either a text file with file extension ".txt" (e.g., "Output.txt") or Excel file with file extension ".xlsx" (e.g., "Output.xlsx"). If the file name does not contain any file extension, an Excel file will be written.


logical: if TRUE (default), output will be appended to an existing text file with extension .txt specified in write, if FALSE existing text file will be overwritten.


logical: if TRUE (default), argument specification is checked.


logical: if TRUE (default), output is shown on the console.


Takuya Yanagida takuya.yanagida@univie.ac.at


Note that unlike the cor.test function, this function does not compute an exact p-value for Spearman's rank-order correlation coefficient or Kendall's Tau-b correlation coefficient, but uses the asymptotic t approximation.

Statistically significant correlation coefficients can be shown in boldface on the console when specifying sig = TRUE. However, this option is not supported when using R Markdown, i.e., the argument sig will switch to FALSE.


Rasch, D., Kubinger, K. D., & Yanagida, T. (2011). Statistics in psychology - Using R and SPSS. John Wiley & Sons.

Revelle, W. (2018) psych: Procedures for personality and psychological research. Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA, https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=psych Version = 1.8.12.

See Also

write.result, cohens.d, effsize, multilevel.icc, na.auxiliary, size.cor.


Run this code
# Example 1: Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient between 'Ozone' and 'Solar.R
cor.matrix(airquality, Ozone, Solar.R)

# Alternative specification without using the '...' argument
cor.matrix(airquality[, c("Ozone", "Solar.R")])

# Example 2: Pearson product-moment correlation matrix using pairwise deletion
cor.matrix(airquality, Ozone:Wind)

# Alternative specification without using the '...' argument
cor.matrix(airquality[, c("Ozone", "Solar.R", "Wind")])

# Example 3: Spearman's rank-order correlation matrix
cor.matrix(airquality, Ozone, Solar.R, Wind, method = "spearman")

# Example 4: Pearson product-moment correlation matrix
# highlight statistically significant result at alpha = 0.05
cor.matrix(airquality, Ozone, Solar.R, Wind, sig = TRUE)

# Example 5: Pearson product-moment correlation matrix
# highlight statistically significant result at alpha = 0.05
cor.matrix(airquality, Ozone, Solar.R, Wind, sig = TRUE, alpha = 0.10)

# Example 6: Pearson product-moment correlation matrix
# print sample size and significance values
cor.matrix(airquality, Ozone, Solar.R, Wind, print = "all")

# Example 7: Pearson product-moment correlation matrix using listwise deletion,
# print sample size and significance values
cor.matrix(airquality, Ozone, Solar.R, Wind, na.omit = TRUE, print = "all")

# Example 8: Pearson product-moment correlation matrix
# print sample size and significance values with Bonferroni correction
cor.matrix(airquality, Ozone, Solar.R, Wind, na.omit = TRUE, print = "all",
           p.adj = "bonferroni")

# Example 9: Pearson product-moment correlation matrix for 'mpg', 'cyl', and 'disp'
# results for group "0" and "1" separately
cor.matrix(mtcars, mpg:disp, group = "vs")

# Alternative specification without using the '...' argument
cor.matrix(mtcars[, c("mpg", "cyl", "disp")], group = mtcars$vs)

if (FALSE) {
# Example 10a: Write Results into a text file
cor.matrix(airquality, Ozone, Solar.R, Wind, print = "all", write = "Correlation.txt")

# Example 10b: Write Results into a Excel file
cor.matrix(airquality, Ozone, Solar.R, Wind, print = "all", write = "Correlation.xlsx")}

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab