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read.data: Read Data File in Table format, SPSS, Excel, or Stata DTA File


This function reads a (1) data file in CSV (.csv), DAT (.dat), or TXT (.txt) format using the fread function from the data.table package, (2) SPSS file (.sav) using the read.sav function, (3) Excel file (.xlsx) using the read.xlsx function, or a (4) Stata DTA file (.dta) using the read.dta function in the misty package.


read.data(file, sheet = NULL, header = TRUE, select = NULL, drop = NULL,
          sep = "auto", dec = "auto", use.value.labels = FALSE,
          use.missings = TRUE, na.strings = c("NA", ""),
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE, formats = FALSE, label = FALSE,
          labels = FALSE, missing = FALSE, widths = FALSE, as.data.frame = TRUE,
          encoding = c("unknown", "UTF-8", "Latin-1"), check = TRUE)


Returns a data frame, tibble, or data table.



a character string indicating the name of the data file with the file extension .csv, .dat, .txt, .sav, .xlsx, or .dta. Note that the function will select an appropriate read-function depending on the file extension.


a character string indicating the name of a Excel sheet or a numeric value indicating the position of the Excel sheet to read. By default the first sheet will be read when reading an Excel file (.xlsx).


logical: if TRUE (default), the first row is used as column names when reading an Excel file (.xlsx), if FALSE default names are used. A character vector giving a name for each column can also be used.


a character vector of column names or numeric vector to keep, drop the rest. See the help page of the fread function in the data.table package.


a character vector of column names or numeric vector to drop, keep the rest.


a character string indicating the separator between columns for the fread function when reading data in CSV (.csv), DAT (.dat), or TXT (.txt) format.


a character string indicating the decimal separator for the fread function when reading data in CSV (.csv), DAT (.dat), or TXT (.txt) format.


logical: if TRUE, variables with value labels are converted into factors.


logical: if TRUE (default), user-defined missing values are converted into NAs.


a character vector of strings which are to be interpreted as NA values.


logical: if TRUE, character vectors are converted to factors.


logical: if TRUE, variable formats are shown in an attribute for all variables.


logical: if TRUE, variable labels are shown in an attribute for all variables.


logical: if TRUE, value labels are shown in an attribute for all variables.


logical: if TRUE, value labels for user-defined missings are shown in an attribute for all variables.


logical: if TRUE, widths are shown in an attribute for all variables.


logical: if TRUE (default), function returns a regular data frame; if FALSE function returns a tibble or data.table.


a character string indicating the encoding, i.e., "unknown", "UTF-8", or "Latin-1" (default).


logical: if TRUE (default), argument specification is checked.


Takuya Yanagida


Barrett, T., Dowle, M., Srinivasan, A., Gorecki, J., Chirico, M., Hocking, T., & Schwendinger, B. (2024). data.table: Extension of 'data.frame'. R package version 1.16.0. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=data.table

Wickham H, Miller E, Smith D (2023). haven: Import and Export 'SPSS', 'Stata' and 'SAS' Files. R package version 2.5.3. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=haven

See Also

read.sav, read.xlsx, read.dta, read.mplus


Run this code
if (FALSE) {

# Read CSV data file
dat <- read.data("CSV_Data.csv")

# Read DAT data file
dat <- read.data("DAT_Data.dat")

# Read TXT data file
dat <- read.data("TXT_Data.txt")

# Read SPSS data file
dat <- read.data("SPSS_Data.sav")

# Read Excel data file
dat <- read.data("Excel_Data.xlsx")

# Read Stata data file
dat <- read.data("Stata_Data.dta")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab