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script.copy: Save Copy of the Current Script in RStudio


This function saves a copy of the current script in RStudio. By default, a folder called _R_Script_Archive will be created to save the copy of the current R script with the current date and time into the folder. Note that the current R script needs to have a file location before the script can be copied.


script.copy(file = NULL, folder = "_R_Script_Archive", create.folder = TRUE,
            time = TRUE, format = "%Y-%m-%d_%H%M", overwrite = TRUE,
            check = TRUE)



a character string naming the file of the copy without the file extension ".R". By default, the file of the copy has the same name as the original file.


a character string naming the folder in which the file of the copy is saved. If NULL, the file of the copy is saved in the same folder as the original file. By default, the file of the copy is saved into a folder called "_R_Script_Archive".


logical: if TRUE (default), folder(s) specified in the file argument is created. If FALSE and the folder does not exist, then a error message is printed on the console.


logical: if TRUE (default), the current time is attached to the name of the file specified in the argument file.


a character string indicating the format if the POSIXct class resulting from the Sys.time function. The default setting provides a character string indicating the year, month, day, minutes, and seconds. See the help page of the format.POSIXct function.


logical: if TRUE (default) an existing destination file is overwritten.


logical: if TRUE (default), argument specification is checked.


Takuya Yanagida takuya.yanagida@univie.ac.at


Ushey, K., Allaire, J., Wickham, H., & Ritchie, G. (2023). rstudioapi: Safely access the RStudio API. R package version 0.15.0 https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rstudioapi

See Also

script.new, script.close, script.open, script.save, setsource


Run this code
if (FALSE) {

# Example 1: Save copy current R script into the folder '_R_Script_Archive'

# Exmample 2: Save current R script as 'R_Script.R' into the folder 'Archive'
script.copy("R_Script", folder = "Archive", time = FALSE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab