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mixAK (version 5.4)

NMixChainComp: Chains for mixture parameters


This function returns chains for parameters derived from the (re-labeled) mixture weights, means, covariance matrices.

First, mixture means and shifted-scaled to the original (data) scale, mixture covariance matrices are scaled to the original (data) scale (see argument scale in NMixMCMC function or argument scale.b in GLMM_MCMC). Possible derived parameters are standard deviations and correlation coefficients.


NMixChainComp(x, relabel = TRUE, param)

# S3 method for default NMixChainComp(x, relabel = TRUE, param)

# S3 method for NMixMCMC NMixChainComp(x, relabel = TRUE, param = c("w", "mu", "var", "sd", "cor", "Sigma", "Q", "Li"))

# S3 method for GLMM_MCMC NMixChainComp(x, relabel = TRUE, param = c("w_b", "mu_b", "var_b", "sd_b", "cor_b", "Sigma_b", "Q_b", "Li_b"))


A matrix with sampled values in rows, parameters in columns.



an object of class NMixMCMC or GLMM_MCMC.


a logical argument indicating whether the chains are to be returned with components being re-labeled (see NMixRelabel) or whether the chains are to be returned as originally sampled.


a character string indicating which sample is to be returned:

w, w_b

mixture weights;

mu, mu_b

mixture means;

var, var_b

mixture variances;

sd, sd_b

mixture standard deviations;

cor, cor_b

correlations derived from the mixture covariance matrices;

Sigma, Sigma_b

mixture covariance matrices (their lower triangles);

Q, Q_b

mixture inverted covariance matrices (their lower triangles);

Li, Li_b

Cholesky factors (their lower triangles) of the mixture inverted covariance matrices.


Arnošt Komárek arnost.komarek@mff.cuni.cz

See Also