It performs discriminant analysis based on sampled (re-labeled) MCMC
chains from the mixture model fitted with
function. Observations to be discriminated may
be censored.
Discrimination is based on posterior predictive probabilities of belonging to (re-labeled) mixture components.
NMixPredDA(object, y0, y1, censor, inity, info)
A data.frame
columns labeled prob1
,..., probp
posterior predictive probabilities of belonging to each component and a column
labeled component
giving the index of the component with the
highest component probability.
an object of class NMixMCMC
vector, matrix or data frame with observations (or limits of
censored-observations) to be clustered. See NMixMCMC
for details.
If y0
is not given then the function discriminates original
observations used to generate MCMC sample stored in object
vector, matrix or data frame with upper limits of
interval-censored observations (if there are any). See
for details.
vector, matrix or data frame with censoring indicators
(if there are any censored observations). See
for details.
optional vector, matrix or data frame with initial values of censored observations (if there are any censored observations)
number which specifies frequency used to re-display the iteration counter during the computation.
Arnošt Komárek
, NMixPlugDA