A simulated dataset used as an example dataset in Komárek and Komárková (2014).
a data frame with 1 157 rows and the following variables
identification number of a subject.
visit time in days.
visit time in months.
response variable generated according to a linear mixed
model with normal errors. It intentionally contains 50 NA
response variable generated according to a Poisson
generalized linear mixed model. It intentionally contains 50 NA
response variable generated according to a Bernoulli
generalized linear mixed model. It intentionally contains 50
a jittered version of yB
%\item{group}{a \code{factor} with three levels (1/2/3) giving the % true group into which the subject belongs.} %\item{b1}{the true value of a random intercept in a model for \code{yN}.} %\item{b2}{the true value of a random slope in a model for \code{yN}.} %\item{b3}{the true value of a random intercept in a model for \code{yP}.} %\item{b4}{the true value of a random slope in a model for \code{yP}.} %\item{b5}{the true value of a random intercept in a model for \code{yB}.}
Komárek, A. and Komárková, L. (2014). Capabilities of R package mixAK for clustering based on multivariate continuous and discrete longitudinal data. Journal of Statistical Software, 59(12), 1--38. tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.18637/jss.v059.i12").
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