This is a basic plotting tool to visualize computed marginal
cumulative distribution functions, see NMixPredCDFMarg
# S3 method for NMixPredCDFMarg
plot(x, K=0, auto.layout=TRUE,
type="l", col="darkblue", lty=1, lwd=1, main, xlab, ylab, ...)
an object of class NMixPredCDFMarg
if equal to 0
then the overall predictive CDF's
are plotted taken from the dens
part of the object x
If higher than 0
then the predictive CDF conditioned by
the value of K
is plotted (taken from the densK
of the object x
then the function determines itself
how to divide the plotting region to draw densities for all margins.
type of the plot.
color used to draw the lines.
type of the line.
line width.
main title of the plot. Either character which is replicated or a vector of characters of the length equal to the number of margins.
label for the x-axis. Either character which is replicated or a vector of characters of the length equal to the number of margins.
label for the y-axis. Either character which is replicated or a vector of characters of the length equal to the number of margins.
additional arguments passed to the plot
Arnošt Komárek
Komárek, A. (2009). A new R package for Bayesian estimation of multivariate normal mixtures allowing for selection of the number of components and interval-censored data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53(12), 3932--3947.