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mixOmics (version 4.1-4)

data.simu: Simulation study for multilevel analysis


Simulation study to illustrate the use of the multilevel analysis for one and two-factor analysis with sPLS-DA. This data set contains the expression measure of 1000 genes.







In this cross-over design, repeated measurements are performed 12 experiments units (or unique subjects) for each of the 4 stimulations. The simulation study was based on a mixed effects model (see reference for details). Ten clsuters of 100 genes were generated. Amongt those, 4 clusters of genes discriminate the 4 stimulations (denoted LIPO5, GAG+, GAG- and NS) as follows: \ -2 gene clusters discriminate (LIPO5, GAG+) versus (GAG-, NS) \ -2 gene clusters discriminate LIPO5 versus GAG+, while GAG+ and NS have the same effect \ - gene clusters discriminate GAG- versus NS, while LIPO5 and GAG+ have the same effect \ -the 4 remaining clusters represent noisy signal (no stimulation effect)


Liquet, B., L� Cao, K.-A., Hocini, H. and Thiebaut, R. A novel approach for biomarker selection and the integration of repeated measures experiments from two platforms. Submitted.