X = liver.toxicity$gene
Y = liver.toxicity$clinic
# example with sPCA
# ------------------
liver.spca <- spca(X, ncomp = 1, keepX = 10)
selectVar(liver.spca, comp = 1)$name
selectVar(liver.spca, comp = 1)$value
#example with sIPCA
# -----------------
liver.sipca <- sipca(X, ncomp = 3, keepX = rep(10, 3))
selectVar(liver.sipca, comp = 1)
# example with sPLS
# -----------------
liver.spls = spls(X, Y, ncomp = 2, keepX = c(20, 40),keepY = c(5, 5))
selectVar(liver.spls, comp = 2)
# example with sPLS-DA
data(srbct) # an example with no gene name in the data
X = srbct$gene
Y = srbct$class
srbct.splsda = splsda(X, Y, ncomp = 2, keepX = c(5, 10))
select = selectVar(srbct.splsda, comp = 2)
# this is a very specific case where a data set has no rownames.
srbct$[substr(select$select, 2,5),]
# example with sGCCA
# -----------------
# ! need to unmap the Y factor
Y = unmap(nutrimouse$diet)
data = list(nutrimouse$gene, nutrimouse$lipid,Y)
# in this design, gene expression and lipids are connected to the diet factor
# and gene expression and lipids are also connected
design = matrix(c(0,1,1,
1,1,0), ncol = 3, nrow = 3, byrow = T)
#note: the penalty parameters need to be tuned
wrap.result.sgcca = wrapper.sgcca(data = data, design = design, penalty = c(.3,.3, 1),
ncomp = c(2, 2, 1),
scheme = "centroid", verbose = FALSE)
#variables selected on component 1 for the two blocs
selectVar(wrap.result.sgcca, comp = 1, block = c(1,2))$name.var
#variables selected on component 2 for each block
selectVar(wrap.result.sgcca, comp = 2, block = c(1,2))$name.var
# loading value of the variables selected on the first block
selectVar(wrap.result.sgcca, comp = 1, block = 1)$value.var
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