Return local estimates of the mixing proportions from each component of a mixture of regressions model using output from an EM algorithm.
lambda(z, x, xi, h = NULL, kernel = c("Gaussian", "Beta",
"Triangle", "Cosinus", "Optcosinus"), g = 0)
returns local estimates of the mixing proportions for the inputted
An nxk matrix of posterior probabilities obtained from the EM algorithm.
A vector of values for which the local estimation is calculated.
An nx(p-1) matrix of the predictor values.
The bandwidth controlling the size of the window used for the local estimation.
The type of kernel to be used for the local estimation.
A shape parameter required for the symmetric beta kernel. The default
is g
= 0 which yields the uniform kernel. Some common values are g
= 1 for the
Epanechnikov kernel, g
= 2 for the biweight kernel, and g
= 3 for the triweight kernel.