- y
A list of N response trajectories with (possibly) varying dimensions of
length \(n_i\).
- x
A list of N design matrices of dimensions \((n_i)\times p\).
Each trajectory in y has
its own design matrix.
- w
A list of N known explanatory variables having dimensions \((n_i)\times q\).
If mixed
then w
is replaced by a list of N zeros.
- sigma
A vector of standard deviations. If NULL, then \(1/s^2\) has
random standard exponential entries according to a binning method done on the data.
- arb.sigma
If TRUE, then sigma
is k-dimensional. Else a common standard deviation is assumed.
- alpha
A q-vector of unknown regression parameters for the fixed effects. If NULL and mixed
= TRUE, then alpha
random from a normal distribution with mean and variance according to a binning method done
on the data. If mixed
= FALSE, then alpha
= 0.
- lambda
Initial value of mixing proportions for the assumed mixture structure on the regression coefficients.
Entries should sum to 1. This determines number of components. If NULL, then lambda
random from uniform Dirichlet and the number of components is determined by mu
- mu
A pxk matrix of the mean for the mixture components of the random regression coefficients. If NULL, then the columns
of mu
are random from a multivariate normal distribution with mean and variance determined by a binning method
done on the data.
- rho
An Nxk matrix giving initial values for the correlation term in an AR(1) process. If NULL, then these values
are simulated from a uniform distribution on the interval (-1, 1).
- R
A list of N pxp covariance matrices for the mixture components of the random regression coefficients. If NULL, then
each matrix is random from a standard Wishart distribution according to a binning method done on the data.
- arb.R
If TRUE, then R
is a list of N pxp covariance matrices. Else, one common covariance matrix is assumed.
- k
Number of components. Ignored unless lambda
is NULL.
- ar.1
If TRUE, then an AR(1) process on the error terms is included. The default is FALSE.
- addintercept.fixed
If TRUE, a column of ones is appended to the matrices in w.
- addintercept.random
If TRUE, a column of ones is appended to the matrices in x before p is calculated.
- epsilon
The convergence criterion.
- maxit
The maximum number of iterations.
- verb
If TRUE, then various updates are printed during each iteration of the algorithm.