# \donttest{
params <-NS_params
# Get the fishing mortality in initial state
F <- getFMortGear(params, effort = 1)
# Get the initial fishing mortality when effort is different
# between the four gears:
F <- getFMortGear(params, effort = c(0.5, 1, 1.5, 0.75))
# Get the fishing mortality when effort is different
# between the four gears and changes with time:
effort <- array(NA, dim = c(20, 4))
effort[, 1] <- seq(from=0, to = 1, length = 20)
effort[, 2] <- seq(from=1, to = 0.5, length = 20)
effort[, 3] <- seq(from=1, to = 2, length = 20)
effort[, 4] <- seq(from=2, to = 1, length = 20)
F <- getFMortGear(params, effort = effort)
# Get the fishing mortality using the effort already held in a MizerSim object.
sim <- project(params, t_max = 20, effort = 0.5)
F <- getFMortGear(sim)
F <- getFMortGear(sim, time_range = c(10, 20))
# }
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