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mizer (version 2.5.3)

mizerERepro: Get energy rate available for reproduction needed to project standard mizer model


Calculates the energy rate (grams/year) available for reproduction after growth and metabolism have been accounted for. You would not usually call this function directly but instead use getERepro(), which then calls this function unless an alternative function has been registered, see below.


mizerERepro(params, n, n_pp, n_other, t, e, ...)


A two dimensional array (species x size) holding $$\psi_i(w)E_{r.i}(w)$$

where \(E_{r.i}(w)\) is the rate at which energy becomes available for growth and reproduction, calculated with mizerEReproAndGrowth(), and \(\psi_i(w)\) is the proportion of this energy that is used for reproduction. This proportion is taken from the params object and is set with setReproduction().



A MizerParams object


A matrix of species abundances (species x size).


A vector of the resource abundance by size


A list of abundances for other dynamical components of the ecosystem


The time for which to do the calculation (Not used by standard mizer rate functions but useful for extensions with time-dependent parameters.)


A two dimensional array (species x size) holding the energy available for reproduction and growth as calculated by mizerEReproAndGrowth().



Your own reproduction rate function

By default getERepro() calls mizerERepro(). However you can replace this with your own alternative reproduction rate function. If your function is called "myERepro" then you register it in a MizerParams object params with

params <- setRateFunction(params, "ERepro", "myERepro")

Your function will then be called instead of mizerERepro(), with the same arguments.

See Also

Other mizer rate functions: mizerEGrowth(), mizerEReproAndGrowth(), mizerEncounter(), mizerFMort(), mizerFMortGear(), mizerFeedingLevel(), mizerMort(), mizerPredMort(), mizerPredRate(), mizerRDI(), mizerRates(), mizerResourceMort()