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mizer (version 2.5.3)

projectToSteady: Project to steady state



Run the full dynamics, as in project(), but stop once the change has slowed down sufficiently, in the sense that the distance between states at successive time steps is less than tol. You determine how the distance is calculated.


  effort = params@initial_effort,
  distance_func = distanceSSLogN,
  t_per = 1.5,
  t_max = 100,
  dt = 0.1,
  tol = 0.1 * t_per,
  return_sim = FALSE,
  progress_bar = TRUE,


A MizerParams or a MizerSim object



A MizerParams object


The fishing effort to be used throughout the simulation. This must be a vector or list with one named entry per fishing gear.


A function that will be called after every t_per years with both the previous and the new state and that should return a number that in some sense measures the distance between the states. By default this uses the function distanceSSLogN() that you can use as a model for your own distance function.


The simulation is broken up into shorter runs of t_per years, after each of which we check for convergence. Default value is 1.5. This should be chosen as an odd multiple of the timestep dt in order to be able to detect period 2 cycles.


The maximum number of years to run the simulation. Default is 100.


The time step to use in project().


The simulation stops when the relative change in the egg production RDI over t_per years is less than tol for every species.


If TRUE, the function returns the MizerSim object holding the result of the simulation run, saved at intervals of t_per. If FALSE (default) the function returns a MizerParams object with the "initial" slots set to the steady state.


A shiny progress object to implement a progress bar in a shiny app. Default FALSE.


Further arguments will be passed on to your distance function.

See Also

distanceSSLogN(), distanceMaxRelRDI()