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mizer (version 2.5.3)

setMetadata: Set metadata for a model


[Experimental] Setting metadata is particularly important for sharing your model with others. All metadata fields are optional and you can also add other fields of your own choosing. If you set a value for a field that already existed, the old value will be overwritten.


setMetadata(params, title, description, authors, url, doi, ...)



setMetadata(): The MizerParams object with updated metadata

getMetadata(): A list with all metadata entries that have been set, including at least mizer_version, extensions, time_created and time_modified.



The MizerParams object for the model


A string with the title for the model


A string with a description of the model. This could for example contain information about any publications using the model.


An author entry or a list of author entries, where each author entry could either be just a name or could itself be a list with fields like name, orcid, possibly email.


A URL where more information about the model can be found. This could be a blog post on the mizer blog, for example.


The digital object identifier for your model. To create a doi you can use online services like https://zenodo.org/ or https://figshare.com.


Additional metadata fields that you would like to add


In addition to the metadata fields you can set by hand, there are four fields that are set automatically by mizer:

  • mizer_version The version string of the mizer version under which the model was created or last upgraded. Can be compared to the current version which is obtained with packageVersion("mizer"). The purpose of this field is that if the model is not working as expected in the current version of mizer, you can go back to the older version under which presumably it was working.

  • extensions A named vector of strings where each name is the name of and extension package needed to run the model and each value is a string giving the information that the remotes package needs to install the correct version of the extension package, see https://remotes.r-lib.org/. This field is set by the extension packages.

  • time_created A POSIXct date-time object with the creation time.

  • time_modified A POSIXct date-time object with the last modified time.

Setting the metadata with this function does not count as a modification of the object, so the time_modified field will not be updated.