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mlica2 (version 2.1)

CheckStability: Test stability of inferred ICA modes


Performs a correlation test to see which of the inferred ICA modes are reproducible across multiple runs using different random initialisations. Returns a set of consensus ICA modes and stability scores for each following the algorithm of Chiappetta,...et.al (2004)


CheckStability(a.best.l, corr.th = 0.7)


List of 'a.best' objects from 'mlica' runs.
Correlation threshold to use to decide whether a mode is reproducible.


consS: Consensus source matrix with columns labeling the consensus ICA modes. Has same number of rows as 'a.best$S'.consA: Consensus mixing matrix with rows labeling the consensus ICA modes.stabM: Vector of same length as 'consM' giving the stability measures of each consensus ICA mode. Stability or reproducibility measures are given as fractions, that is, the number of times the ICA mode correlates with one of the other runs at threshold level 'corr.th' divided by the number of runs (length of 'a.best.l').


Hyvaerinen A., Karhunen J., and Oja E.: Independent Component Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, New York, (2001).

Kreil D. and MacKay D. (2003): Reproducibility Assessment of Independent Component Analysis of Expression Ratios from DNA microarrays, Comparative and Functional Genomics *4* (3),300-317.

Liebermeister W. (2002): Linear Modes of gene expression determined by independent component analysis, Bioinformatics *18*, no.1, 51-60.

Chiappetta P., Roubaud MC. and Torresani B.: Blind source separation and the analysis of microarray data, J. Comput. Biol. 2004; 11(6):1090-109.


Run this code

## The function is currently defined as
function (a.best.l, corr.th = 0.7) 
    nIruns <- length(a.best.l)
    if (nIruns < 2) {
        print("Argument must be list of at least two a.best objects")
    for (i in 2:nIruns) {
        if (a.best.l[[1]]$ncp != a.best.l[[i]]$ncp) {
            print("Stopping: the objects in list must have same number of ICA modes")
    ncp <- a.best.l[[1]]$ncp
    X <- a.best.l[[1]]$X
    nConn.v <- vector(length = nIruns * ncp)
    Adj.a <- array(rep(0, nIruns * ncp * nIruns * ncp), dim = c(nIruns, 
        ncp, nIruns, ncp))
    v <- 1
    for (j1 in 1:nIruns) {
        selrun <- setdiff(1:nIruns, j1)
        for (j2 in selrun) {
            for (i1 in 1:ncp) {
                cor.v <- as.vector(abs(cor(a.best.l[[j1]]$S[, 
                  i1], a.best.l[[j2]]$S)))
                i2 <- which.max(cor.v)
                Adj.a[j1, i1, j2, i2] <- 1
        for (i in 1:ncp) {
            nConn <- 0
            for (j2 in selrun) {
                if (sum(Adj.a[j1, i, j2, ]) > 0) {
                  nConn <- nConn + 1
            nConn.v[v] <- nConn
            v <- v + 1
    selmodes.idx <- 1:(nIruns * ncp)
    consS.lv <- list()
    StabScore.l <- list()
    c <- 1
    while (c <= ncp) {
        max.idx <- which.max(nConn.v)
        j1.max <- as.integer(max.idx/(ncp + 1)) + 1
        i1.max <- max.idx - (j1.max - 1) * ncp
        selrun <- setdiff(1:nIruns, j1.max)
        consS <- a.best.l[[j1.max]]$S[, i1.max]
        corr.idx <- vector()
        for (j2 in selrun) {
            i2 <- which(Adj.a[j1.max, i1.max, j2, ] == 1)
            if (length(i2) > 0) {
                corr.idx <- c(corr.idx, (j2 - 1) * ncp + i2)
                tmp <- cor(a.best.l[[j1.max]]$S[, i1.max], a.best.l[[j2]]$S[, 
                consS <- consS + sign(tmp) * a.best.l[[j2]]$S[, 
        selmodes.idx <- setdiff(selmodes.idx, c(max.idx, corr.idx))
        consS.lv[[c]] <- consS/(nConn.v[max.idx] + 1)
        StabScore.l[[c]] <- (nConn.v[max.idx] + 1)/nIruns
        nConn.v[c(max.idx, corr.idx)] <- -1
        c <- c + 1
    consS.m <- matrix(nrow = nrow(a.best.l[[1]]$S), ncol = ncp)
    StabScore.v <- vector()
    for (c in 1:ncol(consS.m)) {
        consS.m[, c] <- consS.lv[[c]]/sqrt(var(consS.lv[[c]]))
        StabScore.v[c] <- StabScore.l[[c]]
    STS <- t(consS.m) %*% consS.m
    STSinv <- solve(STS)
    STX <- t(consS.m) %*% X
    consA.m <- STSinv %*% STX
    return(list(stabM = StabScore.v, consS = consS.m, consA = consA.m))

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