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mlica2 (version 2.1)

mlicaMAIN: Main engine function that implements the fixed point algorithm for maximum likelihood of ICA modes


See references for detailed description.


mlicaMAIN(prNCP, tol = 1e-04, maxit = 300, mu = 1)


The output object of 'proposeNCP'.
Tolerance level for convergence.
Maximum number of iterations to allow for convergence.
Learning paramter for fixed point algorithm. This has already been optimised.


A: Estimate of the mixing matrix.B: Estimate of the inverse mixing matrix.S: Estimate of the source matrix.X: Normalised data matrix.ncp: Number of independent components.NC: Binary number specifying whether best run converged,0, or not,1.LL: Log likelihood value of best run.


Hyvaerinen A., Karhunen J., and Oja E.: Independent Component Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, New York, (2001).

Kreil D. and MacKay D. (2003): Reproducibility Assessment of Independent Component Analysis of Expression Ratios from DNA microarrays, Comparative and Functional Genomics *4* (3),300-317.

Liebermeister W. (2002): Linear Modes of gene expression determined by independent component analysis, Bioinformatics *18*, no.1, 51-60.


Run this code
## The function is currently defined as
function (prNCP, tol = 1e-04, maxit = 300, mu = 1) 
    print("Entered MLica")
    X <- prNCP$X
    x <- prNCP$x
    pEx <- prNCP$pEx
    pCorr <- prNCP$pCorr
    ntp <- dim(X)[1]
    ndim <- dim(X)[2]
    ncp <- ncol(x)
    Sest <- matrix(nrow = ntp, ncol = ncp)
    B.old <- matrix(runif(ncp * ncp, 0, 1), nrow = ncp, ncol = ncp)
    B.o <- B.old
    icount <- 0
    not.conv <- c(1, 2)
    y <- matrix(nrow = ntp, ncol = ncp)
    tmp <- matrix(nrow = ncp, ncol = ncp)
    beta <- vector(length = ncp)
    alpha <- vector(length = ncp)
    while ((length(not.conv) > 0) && (icount < maxit)) {
        print(c("Entering iteration loop ", icount))
        Cy <- B.old %*% t(B.old)
        svds <- eigen(Cy, symmetric = TRUE)
        D <- diag(svds$values)
        E <- svds$vectors
        Dinv <- solve(D)
        V <- E %*% sqrt(Dinv) %*% t(E)
        B.old <- V %*% B.old
        for (g in 1:ntp) {
            y[g, ] <- B.old %*% x[g, ]
        for (c in 1:ncp) {
            beta[c] <- 2 * sum(y[, c] * tanh(y[, c]))/ntp
            alpha[c] <- -1/(beta[c] - 2 + 2 * sum(tanh(y[, c]) * 
                tanh(y[, c]))/ntp)
            for (c2 in 1:ncp) {
                tmp[c, c2] <- -2 * sum(tanh(y[, c]) * y[, c2])/ntp
        tmp <- diag(beta) + tmp
        B <- B.old + mu * diag(alpha) %*% tmp %*% B.old
        Dev <- abs(B - B.o)
        AvDev <- sum(Dev)/(ncp * ncp)
        print(c("AvDev=", AvDev))
        not.conv <- vector()
        not.conv <- as.vector(Dev[Dev > tol])
        B.old <- B
        B.o <- B
        icount <- icount + 1
        for (g in 1:ntp) {
            Sest[g, ] <- B %*% x[g, ]
        logL <- -2 * sum(log(cosh(Sest))) + ntp * log(abs(det(B)))
        print("iterated logL")
    Cy <- B %*% t(B)
    svds <- eigen(Cy, symmetric = TRUE)
    D <- diag(svds$values)
    E <- svds$vectors
    Dinv <- solve(D)
    V <- E %*% sqrt(Dinv) %*% t(E)
    B <- V %*% B
    for (g in 1:ntp) {
        Sest[g, ] <- B %*% x[g, ]
    Aest <- t(pEx %*% sqrt(pCorr) %*% t(B))
    if (length(not.conv) > 0) {
        NotConv <- 1
    else {
        NotConv <- 0
    logL <- -2 * sum(log(cosh(Sest))) + ntp * log(abs(det(B)))
    return(list(A = Aest, B = B, S = Sest, X = X, ncp = dim(Sest)[2], 
        NC = NotConv, LL = logL))

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