yi = Xi%*%beta + Zi%*%bi + ei , i=1,...,m,
yi = (ni x r) matrix of incomplete multivariate data for subject or cluster i;
Xi = (ni x p) matrix of covariates;
Zi = (ni x q) matrix of covariates;
beta = (p x r) matrix of coefficients common to the population (fixed effects);
bi = (q x r) matrix of coefficients specific to subject or cluster i (random effects); and
ei = (ni x r) matrix of residual errors.
The matrix bi, when stacked into a single column, is assumed to be normally distributed with mean zero and unstructured covariance matrix psi, and the rows of ei are assumed to be independently normal with mean zero and unstructured covariance matrix sigma. Missing values may appear in yi in any pattern.
In most applications of this model, the first columns of Xi and Zi will be constant (one) and Zi will contain a subset of the columns of Xi.
mlmmm.em(y, subj, pred, xcol, zcol, start, maxits=200, eps=0.0001)
Yucel, R.M. (2007) R mlmmm package: Fitting multivariate linear mixed-effects models with missing values