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mlogit (version 1.1-1)

Car: Stated Preferences for Car Choice


a sample of 4654 individuals



A dataframe containing :

  • choice: choice of a vehicule amoung 6 propositions,

  • college: college education?,

  • hsg2: size of household greater than 2?

  • coml5: commulte lower than 5 miles a day?,

  • typez: body type, one of regcar (regular car), sportuv (sport utility vehicule), sportcar, stwagon (station wagon), truck, van, for each proposition z from 1 to 6,

  • fuelz: fuel for proposition z, one of gasoline, methanol, cng (compressed natural gas), electric.,

  • pricez: price of vehicule divided by the logarithme of income,

  • rangez: hundreds of miles vehicule can travel between refuelings/rechargings,

  • accz: acceleration, tens of seconds required to reach 30 mph from stop,

  • speedz: highest attainable speed in hundreds of mph,

  • pollutionz: tailpipe emissions as fraction of those for new gas vehicule,

  • sizez: 0 for a mini, 1 for a subcompact, 2 for a compact and 3 for a mid--size or large vehicule,

  • spacez: fraction of luggage space in comparable new gas vehicule,

  • costz: cost per mile of travel (tens of cents) : home recharging for electric vehicule, station refueling otherwise,

  • stationz: fraction of stations that can refuel/recharge vehicule.

