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mlr (version 2.10)

plotBMRRanksAsBarChart: Create a bar chart for ranks in a BenchmarkResult.


Plots a bar chart from the ranks of algorithms. Alternatively, tiles can be plotted for every rank-task combination, see pos for details. In all plot variants the ranks of the learning algorithms are displayed on the x-axis. Areas are always colored according to the learner.id.


plotBMRRanksAsBarChart(bmr, measure = NULL, ties.method = "average",
  aggregation = "default", pos = "stack", order.lrns = NULL,
  order.tsks = NULL, pretty.names = TRUE)


[BenchmarkResult] Benchmark result.
[Measure] Performance measure. Default is the first measure used in the benchmark experiment.
[character(1)] See rank for details.
[character(1)] “mean” or “default”. See getBMRAggrPerformances for details on “default”.
[character(1)] Optionally set how the bars are positioned in ggplot2. Ranks are plotted on the x-axis. “tile” plots a heat map with task as the y-axis. Allows identification of the performance in a special task. “stack” plots a stacked bar plot. Allows for comparison of learners within and and across ranks. “dodge” plots a bar plot with bars next to each other instead of stacked bars.
[character(n.learners)] Character vector with learner.ids in new order.
[character(n.tasks)] Character vector with task.ids in new order.
[logical{1}] Whether to use the short name of the learner instead of its ID in labels. Defaults to TRUE.


ggplot2 plot object.

See Also

Other plot: plotBMRBoxplots, plotBMRSummary, plotCalibration, plotCritDifferences, plotFilterValuesGGVIS, plotLearningCurveGGVIS, plotLearningCurve, plotPartialDependenceGGVIS, plotPartialDependence, plotROCCurves, plotResiduals, plotThreshVsPerfGGVIS, plotThreshVsPerf Other benchmark: BenchmarkResult, benchmark, convertBMRToRankMatrix, friedmanPostHocTestBMR, friedmanTestBMR, generateCritDifferencesData, getBMRAggrPerformances, getBMRFeatSelResults, getBMRFilteredFeatures, getBMRLearnerIds, getBMRLearnerShortNames, getBMRLearners, getBMRMeasureIds, getBMRMeasures, getBMRModels, getBMRPerformances, getBMRPredictions, getBMRTaskDescriptions, getBMRTaskIds, getBMRTuneResults, plotBMRBoxplots, plotBMRSummary, plotCritDifferences


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