Estimate how the learned prediction function is affected by one or more features. For a learned function f(x) where x is partitioned into x_s and x_c, the partial dependence of f on x_s can be summarized by averaging over x_c and setting x_s to a range of values of interest, estimating E_(x_c)(f(x_s, x_c)). The conditional expectation of f at observation i is estimated similarly. Additionally, partial derivatives of the marginalized function w.r.t. the features can be computed.
generatePartialDependenceData(obj, input, features = NULL,
interaction = FALSE, derivative = FALSE, individual = FALSE,
fun = mean, bounds = c(qnorm(0.025), qnorm(0.975)), uniform = TRUE,
n = c(10, NA), ...)
(WrappedModel) Result of train.
(data.frame | Task) Input data.
A vector of feature names contained in the training data.
If not specified all features in the input
will be used.
Whether the features
should be interacted or not. If TRUE
then the Cartesian product of the
prediction grid for each feature is taken, and the partial dependence at each unique combination of
values of the features is estimated. Note that if the length of features
is greater than two,
plotPartialDependence cannot be used.
each feature is considered separately. In this case features
can be much longer
than two.
Default is FALSE
Whether or not the partial derivative of the learned function with respect to the features should be
estimated. If TRUE
must be FALSE
. The partial derivative of individual
observations may be estimated. Note that computation time increases as the learned prediction function
is evaluated at gridsize
points * the number of points required to estimate the partial derivative.
Additional arguments may be passed to numDeriv::grad (for regression or survival tasks) or
numDeriv::jacobian (for classification tasks). Note that functions which are not smooth may
result in estimated derivatives of 0 (for points where the function does not change within +/- epsilon)
or estimates trending towards +/- infinity (at discontinuities).
Default is FALSE
Whether to plot the individual conditional expectation curves rather than the aggregated curve, i.e.,
rather than aggregating (using fun
) the partial dependences of features
, plot the
partial dependences of all observations in data
across all values of the features
The algorithm is developed in Goldstein, Kapelner, Bleich, and Pitkin (2015).
Default is FALSE
A function which operates on the output on the predictions made on the input
data. For regression
this means a numeric vector, and, e.g., for a multiclass classification problem, this migh instead be probabilities
which are returned as a numeric matrix. This argument can return vectors of arbitrary length, however,
if their length is greater than one, they must by named, e.g., fun = mean
fun = function(x) c("mean" = mean(x), "variance" = var(x))
The default is the mean, unless obj
is classification with predict.type = "response"
in which case the default is the proportion of observations predicted to be in each class.
The value (lower, upper) the estimated standard error is multiplied by to estimate the bound on a
confidence region for a partial dependence. Ignored if predict.type != "se"
for the learner.
Default is the 2.5 and 97.5 quantiles (-1.96, 1.96) of the Gaussian distribution.
Whether or not the prediction grid for the features
is a uniform grid of size n[1]
or sampled with
replacement from the input
Default is TRUE
The first element of n
gives the size of the prediction grid created for each feature.
The second element of n
gives the size of the sample to be drawn without replacement from the input
Setting n[2]
less than the number of rows in the input
will decrease computation time.
The default for n[1]
is 10, and the default for n[2]
is the number of rows in the input
additional arguments to be passed to mmpf::marginalPrediction.
PartialDependenceData. A named list, which contains the partial dependence, input data, target, features, task description, and other arguments controlling the type of partial dependences made.
Object members:
Has columns for the prediction: one column for regression and
survival analysis, and a column for class and the predicted probability for classification as well
as a a column for each element of features
. If individual = TRUE
then there is an
additional column idx
which gives the index of the data
that each prediction corresponds to.
TaskDesc Task description.
Target feature for regression, target feature levels for classification, survival and event indicator for survival.
character Features argument input.
Whether or not the features were interacted (i.e. conditioning).
Whether or not the partial derivative was estimated.
Whether the partial dependences were aggregated or the individual curves are retained.
Goldstein, Alex, Adam Kapelner, Justin Bleich, and Emil Pitkin. “Peeking inside the black box: Visualizing statistical learning with plots of individual conditional expectation.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. Vol. 24, No. 1 (2015): 44-65.
Friedman, Jerome. “Greedy Function Approximation: A Gradient Boosting Machine.” The Annals of Statistics. Vol. 29. No. 5 (2001): 1189-1232.
Other partial_dependence: plotPartialDependence
Other generate_plot_data: generateCalibrationData
lrn = makeLearner("regr.svm")
fit = train(lrn, bh.task)
pd = generatePartialDependenceData(fit, bh.task, "lstat")
plotPartialDependence(pd, data = getTaskData(bh.task))
lrn = makeLearner("classif.rpart", predict.type = "prob")
fit = train(lrn, iris.task)
pd = generatePartialDependenceData(fit, iris.task, "Petal.Width")
plotPartialDependence(pd, data = getTaskData(iris.task))
# }
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