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mlr (version 2.13)

makeFeatSelWrapper: Fuse learner with feature selection.


Fuses a base learner with a search strategy to select variables. Creates a learner object, which can be used like any other learner object, but which internally uses [selectFeatures]. If the train function is called on it, the search strategy and resampling are invoked to select an optimal set of variables. Finally, a model is fitted on the complete training data with these variables and returned. See [selectFeatures] for more details.

After training, the optimal features (and other related information) can be retrieved with [getFeatSelResult].


makeFeatSelWrapper(learner, resampling, measures, bit.names,
  bits.to.features, control, show.info = getMlrOption("show.info"))



(Learner | character(1)) The learner. If you pass a string the learner will be created via makeLearner.


([ResampleInstance] | [ResampleDesc]) Resampling strategy for feature selection. If you pass a description, it is instantiated once at the beginning by default, so all points are evaluated on the same training/test sets. If you want to change that behaviour, look at [FeatSelControl].


(list of Measure | Measure) Performance measures to evaluate. The first measure, aggregated by the first aggregation function is optimized, others are simply evaluated. Default is the default measure for the task, see here getDefaultMeasure.


[character] Names of bits encoding the solutions. Also defines the total number of bits in the encoding. Per default these are the feature names of the task.


[function(x, task)] Function which transforms an integer-0-1 vector into a character vector of selected features. Per default a value of 1 in the ith bit selects the ith feature to be in the candidate solution.


[see [FeatSelControl]) Control object for search method. Also selects the optimization algorithm for feature selection.


(logical(1)) Print verbose output on console? Default is set via configureMlr.



See Also

Other featsel: FeatSelControl, analyzeFeatSelResult, getFeatSelResult, selectFeatures

Other wrapper: makeBaggingWrapper, makeClassificationViaRegressionWrapper, makeConstantClassWrapper, makeCostSensClassifWrapper, makeCostSensRegrWrapper, makeDownsampleWrapper, makeDummyFeaturesWrapper, makeExtractFDAFeatsWrapper, makeFilterWrapper, makeImputeWrapper, makeMulticlassWrapper, makeMultilabelBinaryRelevanceWrapper, makeMultilabelClassifierChainsWrapper, makeMultilabelDBRWrapper, makeMultilabelNestedStackingWrapper, makeMultilabelStackingWrapper, makeOverBaggingWrapper, makePreprocWrapperCaret, makePreprocWrapper, makeRemoveConstantFeaturesWrapper, makeSMOTEWrapper, makeTuneWrapper, makeUndersampleWrapper, makeWeightedClassesWrapper


Run this code
# nested resampling with feature selection (with a pretty stupid algorithm for selection)
outer = makeResampleDesc("CV", iters = 2L)
inner = makeResampleDesc("Holdout")
ctrl = makeFeatSelControlRandom(maxit = 1)
lrn = makeFeatSelWrapper("classif.ksvm", resampling = inner, control = ctrl)
# we also extract the selected features for all iteration here
r = resample(lrn, iris.task, outer, extract = getFeatSelResult)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab