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mlr (version 2.9)

setPredictThreshold: Set the probability threshold the learner should use.


See predict.threshold in makeLearner and setThreshold.

For complex wrappers only the top-level predict.type is currently set.


setPredictThreshold(learner, predict.threshold)


[Learner | character(1)] The learner. If you pass a string the learner will be created via makeLearner.
[numeric] Threshold to produce class labels. Has to be a named vector, where names correspond to class labels. Only for binary classification it can be a single numerical threshold for the positive class. See setThreshold for details on how it is applied. Default is NULL which means 0.5 / an equal threshold for each class.



See Also

Other learner: LearnerProperties, getClassWeightParam, getHyperPars, getParamSet, makeLearner, removeHyperPars, setHyperPars, setId, setPredictType

Other predict: asROCRPrediction, getPredictionProbabilities, getPredictionResponse, plotViperCharts, predict.WrappedModel, setPredictType