This class stores learners for hot starting training, i.e. resuming or
continuing from an already fitted model.
We assume that hot starting is only possible if a single hyperparameter
(also called the fidelity parameter, usually controlling the complexity or
expensiveness) is altered and all other hyperparameters are identical.
The HotstartStack
stores trained learners which can be potentially used to
hot start a learner. Learner automatically hot start while training if a
stack is attached to the $hotstart_stack
field and the stack contains a
suitable learner.
For example, if you want to train a random forest learner with 1000 trees but
already have a random forest learner with 500 trees (hot start learner),
you can add the hot start learner to the HotstartStack
of the expensive learner
with 1000 trees. If you now call the train()
method (or resample()
), a random forest with 500 trees will be fitted and combined
with the 500 trees of the hotstart learner, effectively saving you to
fit 500 trees.
Hot starting is only supported by learners which have the property
or "hotstart_backward"
. For example, an xgboost
(in mlr3learners) can hot start forward by adding more boosting
iterations, and a random forest can go backwards by removing trees.
The fidelity parameters are tagged with "hotstart"
in learner's parameter set.