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mlr3misc (version 0.16.0)

crate: Isolate a Function from its Environment


Put a function in a "lean" environment that does not carry unnecessary baggage with it (e.g. references to datasets).


crate(.fn, ..., .parent = topenv(parent.frame()), .compile = TRUE)



function to crate


The objects, which should be visible inside .fn.


Parent environment to look up names. Default to topenv().


Whether to jit-compile the function. In case the function is already compiled. If the input function .fn is compiled, this has no effect, and the output function will always be compiled.


Run this code
meta_f = function(z) {
  x = 1
  y = 2
  crate(function() {
    c(x, y, z)
  }, x)
x = 100
y = 200
z = 300
f = meta_f(1)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab