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modelr (version 0.1.9)

seq_range: Generate a sequence over the range of a vector


Generate a sequence over the range of a vector


seq_range(x, n, by, trim = NULL, expand = NULL, pretty = FALSE)



A numeric vector

n, by

Specify the output sequence either by supplying the length of the sequence with n, or the spacing between value with by. Specifying both is an error.

I recommend that you name these arguments in order to make it clear to the reader.


Optionally, trim values off the tails. trim / 2 * length(x) values are removed from each tail.


Optionally, expand the range by expand * (1 + range(x) (computed after trimming).


If TRUE, will generate a pretty sequence. If n is supplied, this will use pretty() instead of seq(). If by is supplied, it will round the first value to a multiple of by.


Run this code
x <- rcauchy(100)
seq_range(x, n = 10)
seq_range(x, n = 10, trim = 0.1)
seq_range(x, by = 1, trim = 0.1)

# Make pretty sequences
y <- runif(100)
seq_range(y, n = 10)
seq_range(y, n = 10, pretty = TRUE)
seq_range(y, n = 10, expand = 0.5, pretty = TRUE)

seq_range(y, by = 0.1)
seq_range(y, by = 0.1, pretty = TRUE)

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