A subset of the COOL5-18 data (see below) with scores of 639 pupils nested in 30 classes
on the 7-item Schaal Welbevinden Met Docenten [Scale Well-Being With Teachers] and 6-item
Schaal Welbevinden met Klasgenoten [Scale Well-Being With Classmates]
(Peetsma, Wagenaar, & de Kat, 2001;
Zijsling, Keuning, Keizer-Mittelhauser, Naaijer, & Timmermans, 2017).
See attributes(SWMDK)
for the original item labels and content.
R-code to get this subsample is available as online supplement to
Koopman, Zijlstra, & Van der Ark (2020).
A 639 by 14 data frame containing integers. The first column reflects a classroom indicator,
the remaining columns the 13 items, see colnames(SWMDK)
Each item has five ordered answer categories from not true at all (score 0) to completely true (score 4).
Item | Short | Content |
Item1 | lv_wdo1 | The teachers usually know how I feel |
Item2 | lv_wdo2 | I can talk about problems with the teachers |
Item3 | lv_wdo3 | If I feel unhappy, I can talk to the teachers about it |
Item4 | lv_wdo4 | I feel at ease with the teachers |
Item5 | lv_wdo5 | The teachers understand me |
Item6 | lv_wdo6 | I have good contact with the teachers |
Item7 | lv_wdo7 | I would prefer to have other teachers (inversely coded) |
Item8 | lv_wkl1 | I have a lot of contact with my classmates |
Item9 | lv_wkl2 | I would prefer to be in a different class (inversely coded) |
Item10 | lv_wkl3 | We have a nice class |
Item11 | lv_wkl4 | I get along well with my classmates |
Item12 | lv_wkl5 | I sometimes feel alone in the class (inversely coded) |
Item13 | lv_wkl6 | I enjoy hanging out with my classmates |
The items were translated from Dutch. For the original items, see pp. 79-83 in Zijsling et al. (2017). The first seven items are also available in dataset SWMD
Koopman, L. Zijlstra, B. J. H, & Van der Ark, L. A. (2020). A two-step procedure for scaling multilevel data using Mokken's scalability coefficients. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Peetsma, T. T. D., Wagenaar, E., & De Kat, E. (2001). School motivation, future time perspective and well-being of high school students in segregated and integrated schools in the Netherlands and the role of ethnic self-description. In J. Koppen, I. Lunt, & C. Wulf (Eds.), Education in Europe. Cultures, Values, Institutions in Transition (pp. 54-74). Waxmann.
Zijsling, D., Keuning, J., Keizer-Mittelhaeuser, M.-A., Naaijer, H., & Timmermans, A. (2017). Cohortonderzoek COOL5-18: Technisch rapport meting VO-3 in 2014. Onderwijs/Onderzoek. Retrieved from https://www.rug.nl/research/portal/files/41740853/Cool_afn1314_vo3_techrapport.pdf
# Data example (Koopman et al., 2020)
# Item content, see labels
# Compute ICC
# }
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