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mokken (version 3.1.2)

SWMD: SWMD Data Subset


A subset of the COOL5-18 data (see below) with scores of 651 pupils nested in 30 classes on the 7-item Schaal Welbevinden Met Docenten [Scale Well-Being With Teachers] (Peetsma, et al., 2001; Zijsling, et al., 2017). See attributes(SWMD) for the original item labels and content. R-code to get this subsample is available as online supplement to Koopman et al. (in press a).





A 651 by 8 data frame containing integers. The first column reflects a classroom indicator, the remaining columns the 7 items, see colnames(SWMD).


Each item has five ordered answer categories from not true at all (score 0) to completely true (score 4).

Item1lv_wdo1The teachers usually know how I feel
Item2lv_wdo2I can talk about problems with the teachers
Item3lv_wdo3If I feel unhappy, I can talk to the teachers about it
Item4lv_wdo4I feel at ease with the teachers
Item5lv_wdo5The teachers understand me
Item6lv_wdo6I have good contact with the teachers
Item7lv_wdo7I would prefer to have other teachers (inversely coded)

The items were translated from Dutch. For the original items, see p. 79 in Zijsling et al. (2017). The scores on these items plus seven additional items are available in dataset SWMDK.


Koopman, L. Zijlstra, B. J. H, & Van der Ark, L. A. (2020). A two-step procedure for scaling multilevel data using Mokken's scalability coefficients. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Peetsma, T. T. D., Wagenaar, E., & De Kat, E. (2001). School motivation, future time perspective and well-being of high school students in segregated and integrated schools in the Netherlands and the role of ethnic self-description. In J. Koppen, I. Lunt, & C. Wulf (Eds.), Education in Europe. Cultures, Values, Institutions in Transition (pp. 54-74). Waxmann.

Zijsling, D., Keuning, J., Keizer-Mittelhaeuser, M.-A., Naaijer, H., & Timmermans, A. (2017). Cohortonderzoek COOL5-18: Technisch rapport meting VO-3 in 2014. Onderwijs/Onderzoek.

See Also

MLcoefH, ICC,


Run this code
# Data example (Koopman et al., 2020)

# Item content, see labels

# Compute ICC

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab